Keep being neighborly
Dear Editor,
For many years a motorist traveling Mountain Road from Lehigh Gap toward Lehigh Furnace in Washington Township would pass an elderly gentleman seated on an old aluminum lawn chair in front of his neatly kept brick house.
The man would wave heartily at every motorist who passed.After a while I would look forward to waving back at the man!Recently, I noticed the man is gone and the property up for sale, and suddenly I feel saddened.
Strange how a simple gesture can make an impact on a person. I thought to myself, why not carry on the tradition of the old man, and I started waving at everyone I meet on the back road to our house. Believe it or not, many people return my wave. In a way I guess it gives us a feeling that it is a small world after all, and it keeps people neighborly.
Thanks to the elderly gent who loved to wave to people.
Richard M. Gross