A young man on a mission
Good things happen to James Denny.
As a sixth-grader living in south Jersey, his home was a safe haven for poor kids from Camden who would come to Denny’s house to play basketball and eat meals rather than wander unsafe city streets. He saw at a young age what happens when kindness is offered. The good side of people is what you see in return.
A year ago, he entered a television contest to win a custom tree house for his family. Denny, who lives in Jim Thorpe, wanted to give the house as a gift to his mother who raised a wonderful family mostly on her own.
Not only did he win the tree house contest, Denny was also seen on the Tree House Masters TV show by Duane Ward, the CEO and founder of Premiere International, a major marketing company.
Ward was so impressed with Denny that he called from his headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, and offered the 23-year-old a job as an event manager for celebrities who travel around the country to promote their recently published books.
On tour
One can’t help but be impressed with Denny. When he speaks with someone, he ends his sentences with “sir” or “ma’am.”
“I just love people,” Denny says with a jump in his voice. “I want to help them improve their lives and why not? Opportunity always scratches at the door. No one should have a reason to be depressed about the life they’ve been given. Be positive and positive things will happen.”
Denny says he would work for free at Premiere because that’s how much he likes his job.
He is currently on a 36-city tour with Rosanna Pansino, author of a book titled, “Nerdy Nummies,” a cookbook for kids. She also has a popular YouTube show where she guides children to bake desserts like Superman and Mario cakes. Pansino is just one of many celebrities who have inspired Denny.
As events manager, he reserves hotel rooms, plans meals, and schedules book tours and speaking events for well-known names like former NBA star, Shaquille O’Neal; television personalities, Glenn Beck and Gretchen Carlson; widow of famed American sniper, Taya Kyle; Col. Oliver North; and presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson. Denny travels with them to their destinations on luxury buses provided by Premiere.
North has especially been an inspiration to Denny. The former Marine was placed on trial during a political scandal involving an illegal sale of weapons to Iran in the late 1980s, but was later exonerated due to congressional immunity.
Denny says that the retired lieutenant colonel relates his courtroom experiences to open the eyes of his audiences.
“He speaks the truth about where this country has gone,” says Denny. “He tells his audiences that America needs to restore its values. We still have God on our money and on our national documents, but we have removed him from schools and public places. We need to restore our faith in the lives that God has given us so we can get back to doing the right things for the American people.”
Denny also speaks of Carson, who recently completed a three-week book tour with Premiere.
He says Carson is a man who seeks a more powerful union by allowing the American people to retake control of their own lives.
“Dr. Carson is not a politician, yet he’s running for president. He stands for high moral character and for returning the government to the people where it belongs.” says Denny.
Denny’s interest in Carson’s campaign has fueled his own desire to become involved with government.
Mayor of Jim Thorpe
“I don’t want to become a politician,” he says, “but I would love to become the mayor of Jim Thorpe someday.”
He talks about the beauty of the town’s environment, its history and its people.
He calls the historic town “a gold mine” of resources, especially its youth. He talks of starting a leadership program at the elementary school level.
“Leadership begins at a very young age. Kids should know that leadership is serving the people, and not the people serving the leader. And great leaders often come from the back, not the front. He’s not always the general, but many times he’s the quiet soldier in the back lines who watches out for the men and takes care of their needs.”
Denny reiterates that leadership is not about power, but about service, something he believes is lacking in our national government.
“I don’t take all the credit for the good things I try to do for people,“ he says. “I’ve been blessed by being around very inspiring people. “Now I intend to pass this inspiration along to others.”
Denny, whose passion is derived from the love for his family and his faith in Jesus Christ, utilizes positive thinking to enact change for the better.
As a student at the University of South Alabama, he spearheaded a redesign plan to improve the dining room’s quality of food and its service to the students. Denny first went to the vice president of the college with his ideas. Aramark, one of the country’s largest food service corporations that provided the service at the college, then responded to Denny and redesigned the entire operation.
“We went from eating corn dogs and spaghetti that sat in a pan all day to healthier and fresher options. And the service improved to accommodate busy students who had very little time to eat,” he says.
On to president
When asked about another goal he has set for himself, he states it calmly and confidently.
“I want to be president of the United States,” Denny says. “I don’t want to be a Democrat or a Republican. I want to be Independent. I believe the people of this country are tired of the way our government operates politically. They are ready for new voices and a new directions.”
Henry David Thoreau, an American philosopher and essayist, wrote, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
This young visionary is already building foundations for taking up residence in the White House sometime in his future.
In the meantime, Denny looks out his bus window at Florida, just like he looks at Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Illinois, and as far west as Texas, with one eye on the country he loves and the other eye on his vision for his homeland of Jim Thorpe. He intends to return to serve and to inspire the town’s people to build their own “castles in the air.”
Denny has already proven that he can reach up, grab a dream and make it real. He has authored the first few chapters of what promises to be an extraordinary story of his life.
No one should be surprised that once his mission to empower the people he loves is accomplished, he will have earned an itinerary for his own traveling book tour.