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What happened to modesty?

Published September 19. 2015 09:00AM


To the Editor,

The definition of “modesty” has changed so drastically over the past couple decades. While our society and world has changed, I belong to a church that does not change nor has the right to alter the meaning of modesty. Its faith and morals have guided humanity for 2,000 years.

We have come to accept much of what we view on television, print and Internet today as normal and ordinary, especially in the world of attire.

Nothing surprises the mind these days. However, what we see in our places of worship needs to reflect higher standards. Pastors are afraid to lose people. If one would preach on Christian modesty, the so-called “liberated” would call it “outdated and puritanical” and just pick up and go to another congregation or denomination.

Yes, it is true that God looks at the content of one’s heart and not their dress, but God also expects the believer to offer the best.

Allow me to ask the pastors of our congregations, should not the last refuge for modesty be the church?

A thought — is the lack of appropriate attire that seems to be becoming commonplace, especially among the younger generation, a reflection of the growing disbelief in the real presence of our Lord Jesus upon our altars?

Although not found anywhere in the Bible, today’s Catholic Church allows “extraordinary ministers” of the Eucharist. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in a document titled “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass” instructs the norm, “All ministers of Holy Communion should show the greatest reverence of the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread or wine.”

All Catholics are bound by this standard.

These guidelines should not only apply to people who assist in worship services in our churches, but also to those attending services. Inappropriate attire can be and often is distracting and offensive to the public.

I hope your pastor insists upon modesty, especially for those who assist in our worship. So what type of a garment should I wear for the wedding feast?

Certainly, I would not even think about wearing shorts, sneakers and a T-shirt to my best friend’s wedding. Doesn’t God deserve our best, also?

Jack Zonca


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