What america needs in a president
Some presidential candidates are promoting increased redistribution of money from the successful to cover the expenses of those unwilling (not unable) to do so for themselves. Everyone has a right to college and health care, but they do not have a right to have someone else pay for it. What kind of country and citizen is being created by these policies?
The producers will be financially punished for their hard work and creativity, encouraging them to work less, create less, and to be bitter towards the less successful, even those who may be truly needy. The recipients will be rewarded for doing less work, for creating less, and to be bitter towards toward those who have more than they do. Poverty will be made comfortable and personal initiative will disappear.
The strength of the "body" of America will be weakened while its "soul" will be destroyed. Charity towards the needy and those requiring uplifting will no longer be a willing gift by individuals as they will resent the government forcefully taxing their success. Gratitude and inspiration to become better citizens by the needy and impoverished will be replaced by a feeling of entitlement to be taken care of.
There are those voters who tell us if we use roads, garbage pickup, etc. provided by government that we are already living in a socialist society, and there is nothing wrong with accepting greater government control.
However, we agreed to a government contract between us to provide only for those things that we cannot do for ourselves - not a government that does for us what we should be doing for ourselves.
These same candidates see no good at all in America today and are poisoning their supporters to see only the small amount of our economy and country that does need improvement, and to ignore the many blessings that a capitalist economy and a Judeo/Christian society has given to us. In the main, those who stay in school, put off having children until able to care for them, and recognize that their job has a boss and customers who they must respect, are considerably better off than their parents. Those who do otherwise suffer the consequences of their choices.
America needs a president who will encourage and nurture a nation of strong individuals of independent and noble character, willing to work for their success and accept the consequences of their actions and inactions, and to provide support and charity to each other - not a nation of bitter individuals divided against, and spiteful of each other.
Frederick W. Bresswein