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Explanation needed for the closure of Camp Louise

Published August 10. 2016 04:17PM

I would (with great sadness) understand the decision to close Camp Louise's gates forever.

And I would be supportive in working with a committee to look into other ways to ensure Girl Scouts in our council receive positive and safe outdoor program opportunities. But without first seeing data that justifies the decision to permanently close Camp Louise, I cannot, with good conscience, do either.

I attended the "Conversation about Camp Louise" meeting after viewing a picture of the invitation that a friend sent to me via text message.

I am a lifelong Girl Scout originally from Penn's Woods Council, but now in Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania currently registered as a troop leader.

I have worn the hats of Scout, camper, counselor, counselor-in-training director, assistant camp director, Junior Girl Scout leader, Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Girl Scout leader, and volunteer throughout my tenure as a Girl Scout, and Camp Louise became my second home.

After viewing the PowerPoint and participating in the discussion at the meeting, I left quite abruptly feeling dissatisfied with the presentation outlining the reasons why Camp Louise closed permanently. Perhaps if more information regarding this decision could be made available to the members of the Camp Louise community, it would help relieve the unease felt by me and other alums.

For instance, the presentation indicated that there are many areas of camp that need to be fixed, renovated or repaired, but a complete list of all of these property issues with the estimates of how much each will cost was not provided.

Additionally, a lack of funding seemed to be an issue related to the work that needed to be done on the property, but we did not see the average yearly expense for keeping Camp Louise open and maintaining the buildings and grounds as compared with the other properties the council is also financially responsible for.

We saw no meeting agenda, minutes or transcripts available in which we could see the steps taken to do everything possible to prevent the closing of camp before that difficult decision was made.

I think I speak for more than just myself in saying: knowing Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania did everything it could, considered all options, and exhausted all resources before closing camp permanently, would make the news more bearable.

A few days after the meeting I wrote to the council and Girl Scouts of America to request this information, but I still have not received a response.

As a member of the Camp Louise Alumni group on Facebook which went from 300 to 800 members in two weeks, there is a group of us who are working on a letter-writing and petition campaign to get the council to postpone its decision to permanently close Camp Louise and hopefully change their minds.

We need all the support we can and encourage as many people who can write letters and sign the petition to do so. We also have a hashtag campaign going on social media sites - #SaveCampLouise.

We've been interviewed for two different news stations, and a story about our efforts appeared on another.

We also have a committee looking into a 501(c)3 to purchase the camp should the council decide to sell it.

Camp Louise has always been an important part of my life, and the next closest camp in our council is a far drive for some girls in our area - up to two hours or longer.

We want to keep our camp close to home and the camp we've received so many fond memories at since its birth in 1959.

Michele Connors, Girl Scout Leader, Troop 30871, Weatherly

The foregoing opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or Times News LLC.

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