Thanks to cleanup crews
Dear Editor,
It's Tuesday, Jan. 26, the big blizzard is over and we all made it! Although around here it was more a snow event than a blizzard. That's my opinion anyhow, but you know what opinions are like. Everyone has one and each thinks the other guys stinks.
Anyhow, mostly all are shoveled out and life is returning to normal. I'm sure there will be those who disagree with me, but I think through the whole event, the borough and state did a great job on the roads, especially our borough in Jim Thorpe. Though there are a few spots left to clear, the majority of the streets in town are really good! The mere fact that the storm happened on the weekend and the boys had to go out on their days off, but they got paid overtime!
Bull hockey! I cherished my days off much more than overtime when I worked at Bethlehem Steel.
So in parting, I'll give credit where credit is due. Thank you, guys! You did a great job!!
A Native Chunker
Pete Bott
East Mauch Chunk