Let justice system work
Dear Editor,
I would like to add my take on Bill Cosby’s present predicament.
Growing up in the ’60s I liked listening to Bill Cosby’s comedy routines on records or watching him on television. His comedy routines were based on life and were quite memorable.
However, when Tawana Brawley made the news in the mid-80s, and he sided with her story, I lost all respect for him. As a refresher, Tawana Brawley was a black teenager who accused a white policeman of raping her.
This was where Al Sharpton started his rabble-rousing career defending her story, and Bill Cosby joined him. When the truth came out that Tawana had had sex with her black boyfriend, was afraid to tell her mother and tried to cover it up with the lie about the policeman. Neither Al Sharpton nor Bill Cosby apologized to the public for their parts in the incident. That’s when I lost all respect for Bill Cosby.
Now with Bill Cosby is facing allegations of multiple rapes, the court of uninformed public opinion is making a lot of noise. My take here is to let the justice system take its course with him and his accusers. Let the truth come out and the consequences be dealt with.
Sincerely, Scotty Morrison