Trump's nasty surprise
Who are you the champion of, Mr. Trump?
You claim to be the champion of the American middle class. You stack the deck against investors in Atlantic City. You refuse to pay the small-business people who built your casinos, and this causes them to go out of business. You try to take property from poor people by eminent domain so that you can built a parking garage for the rich people who come to your casinos. This is really helping the middle class.
You claim you are going to bring jobs back to America, yet all of your companies have their products made overseas. This is really good for America.
You say you are going to build a wall to keep illegals out, yet you bring illegals in to build your great buildings. Does anyone see a pattern here?
You offer a get-rich scheme with plagiarized lesson plans at your “Trump University” and rip off poor, unsuspecting people. You are now being sued by a number of states for fraud. Is anyone getting the pattern here?
You say you give so much money to charity and that you are so rich and pay all of your taxes, yet you are the only candidate in the past 40 years who will not submit a tax return for review. I wonder why.
You claim you are so religious and that the Bible is your favorite book and yet you can’t pronounce the chapters in the Bible. When asked to share a favorite Bible verse, you could not think of one. You’re a favorite of evangelicals. I guess they can overlook your cursing, lies and infidelities and your total disregard for anyone other than yourself.
You stand up at your rallies and talk about how great you are, how rich you are and how smart you are and how your hair is real and how much hair spray you use. You make fun of people with disabilities, call women pigs and call anyone who disagrees with you stupid. All the marks of a true leader.
Yes, Mr. Trump will make America great again and is a champion of the middle class. If you believe that statement you will be in for a nasty surprise.
Pat Hawk
Franklin Township