Sierra Club backs turbine project
The Sierra Club and the Pennsylvania Chapter support the development of wind energy in Carbon County. Pennsylvania has an opportunity to transition its energy production from old, outdated and dirty coal and gas, and into the future of clean energy. The Sierra Club has, and always will, work to protect sensitive environments and wilderness areas. However, in this case the environmental impact will be minimal, especially when compared to the degradation wrought by coal and natural gas extraction and combustion, which this project will help to displace.
Although no energy source is perfectly benign, studies have shown that production of wind energy results in far fewer bird and bat deaths per unit of energy generated than fossil fuels, and Iberdrola has pledged to take measures to mitigate these impacts further. While we are always concerned about habitat fragmentation, we must compare this development to the tens of thousands of miles of existing and proposed natural gas pipelines, the development of which will be reduced with investments in clean energy.
And with a legal limit of 45 decibels, the wind turbines will make less noise than rain, and far less than the increasingly common natural gas compressor stations in our forests. This project is consistent with our wind siting policy, and we encourage the residents of Carbon County to do what's right for the future of their children and Pennsylvania and support clean energy development."
Joanne Kilgour
Pennsylvania Sierra club Chapter Chairwoman