Spending plan
Dear Editor:
The Pennsylvania lawmakers do have a plan to pay for their spending: Authorize speed traps all over the commonwealth.
The millions and millions of dollars stolen from safe drivers will pay for their increased funding for public schools, early childhood and special education, and state colleges and universities.
And they can pretend that they are looking out for you by making the highways safer.
Their bills to authorize inaccurate speed cameras, faulty radar and LIDAR guns, and continue the red-light camera program will raise tons of money, but they will make the highways more dangerous, not safer.
Speeding is not a problem in the state. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation says the state's highways are the safest they've ever been. There is no epidemic of red-light running, only an epidemic of too-short yellow lights.
If they enact Senate Bills 535, 559, 840 and 1267 and House Bills 2233 and 2236, vote them out of office, and tell them why. Thank you.
Tom McCarey
Member, National Motorists Association