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Real issue for taxpayers

Published July 30. 2016 09:02AM

Elections have consequences. We recognize familiar names and vote for them. However, please examine the July 15front-page articles of the Times News. The top article states that the commissioners want to discontinue gypsy moth spraying because it will double in price. The article written by Chris Parker implies that the county doesn't want to pass such an increase to the taxpayer. I know a little bit about oak trees, and if they get defoliated by gypsy moths three years in a row, they are dead. Do the commissioners know how long it takes to grow a mature oak tree? If tourism is the industry the commissioners plan to push, defoliated woodlands are not the road to go down.

Tourism, so far, is their only option for the county. Industry or light commercial is out.

The article immediately below it, by Judy Dolgos-Kramer, talks about the Bethlehem Water Authority wind turbine controversy. The article states that the wind turbine company will pay all taxes on the property (Wild Creek and Penn Forest reservoirs). But what a surprise, Bethlehem Water Authority, which leases a large part of Carbon County, is tax exempt. Therefore the wind turbine company is off the hook.

County commissioners, here is your opportunity to get the oak forests of the county sprayed on the state program and any other "goodies" the county needs. Impose an appropriate tax on the Bethlehem Water Authority.

They fence out the county residents/taxpayers from our own land and pay nothing in return. What are you going to do about it? This is a "real" Carbon County taxpayer issue.

John Ferguson

Towamensing Township

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