Carbon County Court news
Deeds recorded
Penn Forest Township
Donald J. Hobbs to Donald A. Hobbs, Sicklerville, New Jersey, property along Aspen Drive, Albrightsville, $5,195.84.
Frank C. Morrone to Marcus C. Morrone, Chandler, Arizona, three lots in Mount Pocahontas development, $1.
John F. Chambers Sr. to Deborah H. Bradley, Unionville, Pennsylvania, Lot 114, Section VI, Towamensing Trails, $1.
L & M Custom Homes Inc., to Kathryn E. Meyers, Coatesville, property at 21 Lovelace Road, Albrightsville, $169,900.
Anita M. Vena to Guy R. Antolick, P.O. Box 1898, Albrightsville, Lot FVI 126, Section 6, Towamensing Trails, $180,000.
Martin Schmardel to Lisa M. Ashton Mattioli, Ambler, property at 145 Kipling Lane, Albrightsville, $95,000.
Wells Fargo Bank N.A., to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, property at 96 Cold Spring Drive, $1.
Eric Barr to Henry M. Brosky Jr., 102 White Oak Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 102 White Oak Drive, $130,000.
Joseph Ritzel to Caroline M. Laschenski, Blue Bell, Towamensing Trails lots V-393, V-399, V-400 and V-157A, Section E, $411,880.
Joy A. Dougherty to Carol Ann Monacella, 95 Drakes Creek Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 95 Drakes Creek Road, $182,500.
Dolores Sywensky to Donald Kimmel, Norristown, two transactions, Boulder Creek Estates lots 18 and 19, Section I, $29,250 each.
Sheriff of Carbon County to PA Property Portfolio Inc., 1933 Route 903, Jim Thorpe, property at 504 Towamensing Trails Road, Albrightsville, $86,430.
James W. Vanloon to Lynn Genther, 143 Thomas Lane, Albrightsville, property at 143 Thomas Lane, $152,500.
Adam M. Keppel to Thomas G. Sheppard, 53 Cold Spring Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 53 Cold Spring Drive, $127,000.
Lois F. Stevens to Bryan P. Keegan, 96 Pinoak Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 96 Pinoak Drive, $140,000.
Prothonotary's report
A total of case 470 were started in May in the office of Carbon County Prothonotary Joann M. Behrens, according to a monthly statistical report released by the officeholder. A breakdown of cases is as follows:
Civil actions, 32; custody complaints, 15; complaints to modify custody, 16; district justice appeals, 7; declaratory judgment, 1; divorce complaints, 15; complaints in ejectment, 4; license appeals, 2; mandamus action, 1; mortgage foreclosure complaints, 16; name change petition, 1; protection from abuse petitions, 23; quiet title actions, 3; replevin complaint, 1; tax sales, 3; judgments, 288; miscellaneous cases, 4; paternity suit, 1; stipulations/waivers of liens, 2; and writs of execution, 35. The office also processed 145 passport applications and assisted the public with 30 passport renewal applications.
Behrens' financial report for May shows $31,663.33 was generated as follows: prothonotary's fees, $27,031.07; interest income, $3.53; custody fees, $800; data processing fees, $3,753.73; PFA surcharge, courts, $25; PFA surcharge, Sheriff, $50; and remote access fees, $1,800.
The prothonotary also remitted $4,125.48 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Revenue, representing state fees collected locally, and $32 to the Administrative Offices of the Pennsylvania Courts, this being surcharges on new custody cases in accordance with Act 119 of 1996. Another $1,075 was deposited in the Prothonotary's Automation Fund for future use in automating the office.