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Published May 19. 2016 04:01PM

After years of failing to reform or privatize the antiquated state-owned alcohol monopoly, our Legislature is moving with alacrity to pass special loosey-goosey liquor legislation for the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July.

Here's to you, Harrisburg!

Requirements of the state liquor system, such as a 2 a.m. last call at bars and buying all wine and hard liquor through the state Liquor Control Board, are good enough for average Pennsylvanians.

But, it turns out, they're much too restrictive for the pols, revelers, lobbyists, other schmoozers and hangers-on expected to attend the convention.

Gov. Tom Wolf, the Democratic governor who smacked down the sensible bill for privatization last year, will get to watch his fellow party members live it up. And politicians wonder why so many voters have lost faith in their clubby cabal.

Under consideration is legislation that would allow Philadelphia-area establishments to apply for permits extending last call beyond 2 a.m. and a proposal to let groups bring in alcohol directly from other states, bypassing the pesky PLCB with its fees, taxes and assorted inconveniences.

Businesses in Philadelphia will benefit from the changes; those elsewhere in the state will not. But don't worry, Pennsylvanians. When the convention sloshes to a close after four days, it will be back to the old rules and service as usual.

Lawmakers have attempted to put a veneer of respectability on this folly, noting that a similar relaxation of rules was in place when the Republicans came to Philadelphia in 2000. Sen. Chuck McIlhinney, R-Bucks, has said state stores can't afford to get stuck with special liquor orders. But special rules for special people are not easily explained away. The Legislature probably wouldn't rush into place privileges for other groups' national meetings, so it should not do so for the Democratic convention.

The push for special liquor rules is further proof that the LCB must die - and that Wolf bears the blame for allowing it to live. Defenders can point to all the "modernization" they wish, but it's just a weasel word to paper over the insanity of this paternalistic system.

- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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