Vote for your best interest
This letter is addressed to indoctrinated, easily manipulated voters, the apathetic, the undecided.
Consider the following: The Obama agenda, record and Hillary's agenda are exactly the same, except Clinton's plan will double down, even worse. The national debt portends economic danger. Millions of U.S. manufacturing jobs were exported thanks to Clinton's NAFTA.
Wide open U.S. borders admit millions of illegal immigrants. The grab costly handout programs. Many commit violent crimes. National security is in danger due to a drastically weakened military. Obama and Clinton have alienated our allies and appeased U.S. enemies. They offended and antagonized Vladimir Putin and the Russian people. Russia has prepared for war.
Remember October 1962? China is making aggressive moves, dominating Asia. ISIS radicals are flourishing in the Mideast due to Secretary of State Clinton's policies. Business is depressed by excessive regulations and taxes, which are killing jobs.
Obamacare (insurance, not health care), now imploding, is ending jobs and bankrupting the decent, struggling middle class. Soon your premium increase notice will arrive. Freeloaders get treatment and you pay for it. Left-wing government policies and rhetoric have bitterly divided our nation. Race relations set back 60 years. Vicious, violent racist attacks against innocent white people are common.
Cops are being ambushed. Numerous U.S. terrorist attacks are committed by radical imports. Constitutional rights are being stripped from you. Clinton wants to grab your guns and render your family defenseless.
The U.S. Supreme Court is hanging by a thread. Clinton will appoint radical left judges who will destroy your lives. Clinton wants all abortion, anytime.
Regarding all the above, Trump is totally blameless. Time to wake up. On Election Day, vote for your own best interest.
John Bird