A day to celebrate
Dear Editor:
The prayer service held to acknowledge the 125th anniversary of the founding of St. Michael parish in Lansford was a beautiful, well-planned event. The program was arranged by the group "Coal Region Catholics for Change." The organization appealed the closing of St. Katharine and St. Francis churches and Our Lady of the Angels Academy school by the Allentown Diocese. God gave us gorgeous weather to celebrate with prayer, readings, hymns and a review of parish history.
Sister Kate Kuenstler, who gave a stirring speech, was the guest speaker. She is a canon lawyer assisting the group in the appeal process. Sister came to us from Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
Our neighbor Trinity Lutheran Church was kind enough to make their restrooms available to the large gathering. The Lansford American Fire Company provided folding chairs. Both gestures were greatly appreciated. Also, the boroughs of Lansford and Summit Hill helped with cordoning off the street. It's nice to have support from the community.
Our food stand Saturday at the Lansford Fall Festival was very successful. We would like to thank everyone who patronized us.
There is a fundraising campaign in progress. We will likely have to hire a lawyer in Rome when our appeal advances. To donate, please write checks to: "Coal Region Catholics For Change" and send to our treasurer, Lisa Stefanick, 616 E. Front St., Lansford, PA 18232.
God bless,
Robert S. Hackash
Member "Coal Region Catholics For Change"