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Carbon County Court news

Published September 06. 2016 04:00PM

Prothonotary's report

A total of 556 cases were started in August in the office of Carbon County Prothonotary Joann M. Behrens, according to a monthly statistical report released by the officeholder. A breakdown of cases is as follows:

Civil actions, 24; custody complaints, 31; complaints to modify custody, 16; district justice appeals, 3; divorce complaints, 15; complaints in ejectment, 5; license appeals, 2; mortgage foreclosure complaints, 15; complaint in partition, 1; name change petitions, 3; protection from abuse petitions, 28; protection from sexually violent individual petition, 1; quiet title actions, 2; replevin complaint, 1; judgments, 355; miscellaneous cases, 2; paternity complaint, 1; stipulations/waivers of liens, 9; and writs of executions, 42. The office also processed 97 passport applications for U.S. Passports and provided assistance to the public 44 other times in Passport renewals.

Behrens' financial report for August shows $42,207.09 was generated as follows: prothonotary's fees, $34,931.66; interest income, $4.73; custody fees, $750; PFA Surcharge, Sheriff; $50; PFA Surcharge, Courts, $60; data processing fees, $6,410.70; and remote access fees, $1,500.00.

The prothonotary also remitted $4,615.05 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Revenue, representing state fees collected locally, and $76.80 to the Administrative Offices of the Pennsylvania Courts, this being surcharges on new custody cases in accordance with Act 119 of 1996. Another $1,845 was deposited in the Prothonotary's Automation Fund for future use in automating the office.

Deeds recorded

East Penn Township

Sheriff of Carbon County to JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., Columbus, Ohio, property at 2181 E. Lizard Creek Road, $1.

Jim Thorpe

James M. Bennick to Lorraine A. Ogden, Ashland, four transactions, parcels No. 82-16-F32 (7.5 acres), 82-16-H21.01 and 82-16-H6.01, and property at 927 Laurel St., $1 each.

David T. Havens Special Needs Trust to Michael Joseph Harman, 340 South Ave., Jim Thorpe, property at 340 South Ave., $42,000.

Kidder Township

Joann Aliberti to William F. Hamilton, West Chester, Unit 2, Snow Ridge, Section A, $60,000.

Barbara L. Townsend to Charles S. McAleer, Naples, Florida, Unit 356, Stage 1, Laurelwoods, Big Boulder, $140,000.

Lehigh Township

Helen Kimmel to Richard D. Kimmel, 128 S. Lehigh Gorge Drive, Weatherly, property at 128 S. Lehigh Gorge Drive, $1.

Mahoning Township

Raymond Moser to Dennis Odenwelder, 20 Beaver St., Lehighton, property at 20 Beaver St., $95,000.

Nathan E. Neeb to Nathan E. Neeb, 117 Circle Drive, Lehighton, parcel No. 83-35-B36.03, $1.

Penn Forest Township

Audrey Eriksson to Leonna Jean Salsman, 165 Jonas Mountain Drive, Albrightsville, Lot 30, Jonas Mountain, $148,000.

Matthaus J. Atkinson to Vincent T. Morozin, Langhorne, Lot 600, Section II, Towamensing Trails, $18,750.

Raymond M. Reynolds to Keith V. Gutknecht, Fairless Hills, lots 988 and 989, Section III, Towamensing Trails, $118,000.

Sean S. Connors to Bruce D. Holenstein, Media, Lot 879, Section 3, Mount Pocahontas, $2,500.

Edward M. Michaels to Richard Shepanski, Cape May, New Jersey, Lot 39A, Michael Reverse Subdivision, $17,000.

Sheriff of Carbon County to PA Property Portfolio Inc., 1933 Route 903, Jim Thorpe, property at 40 Locust Lane, Albrightsville, $99,919.10.

Sheriff of Carbon County to HSBC Bank, U.S.A. N.A., Mount Laurel, New Jersey, property at 10 White Oak Road, $1.

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