What is planned parenthood?
What is Planned Parenthood? What does it do? The only answer is: It does abortions! Abortion is supposed to be a more palatable word for the killing of human beings. They say Planned Parenthood cares for "women's issues." To paraphrase Scrooge from "A Christmas Carol," are there no free clinics? Are there no gynecologists? Are there no family physicians to care for "women's issues?"
They say there is a question as to when life beings. I say the only question is when life ends! When the two cells come together to cause conception and the result becomes implanted in the uterus, nothing is added to these cells up to and through that being's old age. Some will argue that the woman supplies nourishment and shelter for the developing individual. I say she also supplies shelter and nourishment to her 2-year-old, 10-year-old and 15-year-old. If she feels that abortion is the answer to her problem, then it follows that retrograde abortion of that difficult child in the "terrible twos" is the solution. That 10-year-old who has trouble learning and the teenager who is incorrigible can be retro-aborted!
The time for choice occurs before the act which causes conception! There are still many in communities who want to care for your child and help that being reach his or her full potential. Wake up folks; hedonism is ruling our society!
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