Senate Bill 76 - The Domino Effect
Much debate about SB 76 is centered on the tax shift aspect of the bill. The bill's economy stimulating domino effect is perhaps its greatest gift. Designed to help low income - WIC items and clothing under $50 are tax free. Many in lower income would qualify for a mortgage where previously they would not qualify.
Increase home ownership: With the huge pent-up demand for homeownership coupled with rental occupancy at all-time highs, market forces would quickly stabilize rents and likely even drop them. Moral landlords would pass along savings to renters, those that do not; market forces will settle the score. I have already promised my one and only tenant his rent will drop.
Job Explosion I: Home upgrades that require permits result in tax reassessment which has greatly stifled job creation. With taxes no longer a factor, the home construction business and realtors would be made whole again. Their businesses would explode creating more jobs lifting yet more out of poverty.
Business Friendly/Job Explosion II: The bill will create a statewide like KOZ which would help established businesses hire more folks and make Pennsylvania a desired place to relocate. This, in turn, results in more jobs lifting more folks out of poverty who will spend their money on taxable item contributing to currently unaccounted money to the 76 revenue stream. Ninety percent of Pennsylvania businesses are mom and pop shops. They would benefit enormously. With regard to big business, many are in KOZs and do not pay taxes. Big business tax appeals to lower are rubber stamped. We need to create a friendly business environment, not chase the business we have away to other states which is the trend. From bottom to top this is a massive WIN/WIN! The domino effects, which many do not consider or understand, are tremendous and too many to include here.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Kistler