Carbon County Court news
Prothonotary's report
A total of case 386 were started in July in the office of Carbon County Prothonotary Joann M. Behrens, according to a monthly statistical report released by the officeholder. A breakdown of cases is as follows:
Civil actions, 43; custody complaints, 13; complaints to modify custody, 13; district justice appeals, 9; divorce complaints, 9; complaint in ejectment, 1; license appeal, 1; mortgage foreclosure complaints, 16; name change petition, 1; protection from abuse petitions, 30; quiet title action, 1; replevin complaint, 1; zoning appeal, 1; judgments, 219; miscellaneous cases, 2; stipulations/waivers of liens, 3; and writs of executions, 23. The office also processed 115 passport applications and provided assistance to the public in the processing of 52 passport renewal applications.
Behrens' financial report for July shows $30,845.36 was generated as follows: prothonotary's fees, $24,288.86; interest income, $3; custody/divorce fees, $2,130; PFA Surcharge, Sheriff; $50; PFA Surcharge, Courts, $25; data processing fees, $4,316; stenographer fees, $32.50; and remote access fees, $1,500.
The prothonotary also remitted $3,684.03 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Revenue, representing state fees collected locally, and $19.20 to the Administrative Offices of the Pennsylvania Courts, this being surcharges on new custody cases in accordance with Act 119 of 1996. Another $1,040 was deposited in the Prothonotary's Automation Fund for future use in automating the office.
Deeds recorded
Penn Forest Township
George Boltman to Charles Chapman, Stuart, Florida, Lot 141, Mountain View Area, Bear Creek Lakes, $1568,900.
Joseph F. Steber to Steven Flood, P.O. Box 141, Albrightsville, Lot 1, Penn Forest Acres, $10,000.
Frederick J. Heinrichs to Wayne Alonso, P.O. Box 914, Albrightsville, property at 566 Patten Circle, Albrightsville, $207,000.
Deutsche Bank National Trust Company to Robert Rickett Sr., Chesterfield, New Jersey, property at 97 Redwood Circle, $73,449.
Dennis V. Landi to Joseph T. Simmons Jr., 36 Indian Trail, Jim Thorpe, property at 36 Indian Trail, $145,000.
Michael Daly to Thomas E. Berndt, P.O. Box 1523, Albrightsville, property at 187 MacCauley Road, Albrightsville, $174,000.
Edward M. Grostas to Elaine Rowling, 223 Mountain View Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 223 Mountain View Drive, $215,000.
Milestone Investment Group LLC, to Capgrow Holdings JV Sub III LLC, Chicago, Illinois, Lot 81, Section 1, Towamensing Trails, $146,000.
Richard Hanson to Harold E. Tate, 124 Sycamore Circle, Albrightsville, property at 124 Sycamore Circle, $135,000.
Peter Gorodesky to Rovshan Danilov, Brooklyn, New York, property at 425 Towamensing Trail, Albrightsville, $155,500.
Ann Marie Roodhof to Elizabeth M. Storms, 325 Patten Circle, Albrightsville, Lot 161, Section 3D, Valley View Estates, $255,000.
Sheriff of Carbon County to Wells Fargo Bank N.A., Fort Mill, South Carolina, property at 54 Woodland Road, Albrightsville, $1.
Sheriff of Carbon County to U.S. Bank N.A., Coppell, Texas, property at 6 Short Lane, aka 702 Short Lane, Albrightsville, $1.
Bertha Hoherchak to Heather A. Hoherchak, Willow Grove, Lot 1, Anna Marie Kattner Subdivision, $1.
Daniel R. Conover Sr. to Susan A. Ekstrom, 31 Locust Lane, Albrightsville, property at 31 Locust Lane, $79,900.
Joseph H. Vanuiter to Dmytryk Turczeniuk, Collegeville, Indian Mountain Lakes Lot 2, Section B, Indian Trail Area, $19,000.
Penny Thomson to Alyson Thomson Homa, 85 Keats Lane, P.O. Box 286, Albrightsville, property at 85 Keats Lane, $1.
Edward Schluth to Matthew J. Sorrentino, Allentown, Towamensing Trails Lot 1258A, Section III, $190,000.
Walter C. Gibbon to Ryan K. Trexler, 8 Sawmill Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 8 Sawmill Lane, $119,000.
Eric L. Esch to Eric L. Esch, Lancaster, Bear Creek Lakes Lot 55, Section Mountain View, $1.
Milestone Investment Group LLC to Bear Mountain Holdings LLC, 1983 Route 903, Jim Thorpe, property at 1983 Route 903, $264,000.