Carbon court news
Marriage licenses
Christopher Edward Hoffman and Jessica June Walters, of Weatherly.
William Carl Meyer and Heather Renee Mills, of Weatherly.
Jeremy James White and Charissa Leigh Derr, of Albrightsville.
Johnnie Stephen Karpa, of Lansford, and Rachel Marie Moffat, of Palmerton.
Todd Raymond Titus Jr. and Andrea Lynn Derr, of Palmerton.
James Craig Mikovich and Judy Ann Giglotti, of Nesquehoning.
Joseph Michael Kiraly and Serena Lee Cortese, of Tresckow.
Jay Michael Dyer and Jessica Theresa Card, of Lansford.
Jude Thaddeus Chang and Kimberly Lorraine Veter, of Sacramento, California.
Wayne Edward Pastor and Krystal Nicole Slater, of Saylorsburg.
Credit defaults
The following actions were filed by credit card companies, or their collection agencies, for alleged defaults on credit card/loan accounts.
World's Foremost Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska, filed two actions as follows: Jeffrey S. Dixon, 813 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, seeking $15,551.44; and Allen P. Kistler, 487 Lehigh Ave., No. 4, Palmerton, seeking $15,796.01.
Capital One Bank, Glen Allen, Virginia, filed against Michele Dixon, 633 Main St., Jim Thorpe, seeking $3,052.56.
Midland Funding, Philadelphia, filed three actions as follows: Lisa Fenoff, 164 Tiffany Lane, Lehighton, seeking $877.97; Rhondella Weaver, 33 S. Tippetts Road, Nesquehoning, seeking $2,664.43; and Mark Kattner, 125 E. Mill St., Nesquehoning, seeking $9.101.81.
Cavalry SPV I, Valhalla, New Jersey, filed against Diane Martin, 219 Behrens Road, Jim Thorpe, seeking $2,443.32.
Bill owed
R.F. Ohl Fuel Oil Inc., 400 Interchange Road, Lehighton, filed an action against Robert Smith, 169 S. Fourth St., Lehighton, alleging he owes a bill for services provided. Sought is $2,467.35 plus interest, costs and fees.
Mortgage foreclosures
The following actions were filed as mortgage foreclosures for alleged defaults on loans.
Wells Fargo Bank, c/o 3476 Stateview Blvd., Fort Mill, South Carolina, filed against Mary L. Grimes, 3144 Whitney Ave., Brooklyn, New York, over property at 8 Larch Lane, Albightsville. Sought is $151,593.87 and continuing interest.
Rose Acceptance Inc., c/o 241 E. Saginaw, East Lansing, Michigan, filed against Robert B. Smith and William Thomas Scruggs, 243 Maple St., Weatherly, over property at that address. Sought is $48,438.79 and continuing interest.
The Bank of New York Mellon, c/o One Mortgage Way, Mount Laurel, New Jersey, filed against Lucy Akers, 340 N. First St., Lehighton, over property at that address. Sought is $125,295.47 and continuing interest.