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Published June 30. 2017 08:32PM

I am an independent voter with disdain for the failed policies of democrats and republicans alike. I also know that anytime you generalize, you can find examples that belie the generalization. Conceding that, let's re-examine some major issues of our time.

Consider news reports through this lens: there are two factions in our government with different views on how our government should work. One is nationalism, the other, globalism.

Nationalists will fight for sovereignty and self-governance and allow other nations that same distinct authority. Globalists want to defer rule to a higher authority that can shape, change and demand of a nation as it sees fit. They believe that sacrificing the good of one nation for the collective good is best.

Examples of nationalism and globalism can be seen the world over. Looking at the United Nations and the European Union, it is easy to determine they are globalist. NAFTA, CAFTA, GATA, The Paris Climate Accord, TPP and others are strong globalist-leaning agreements. Make no mistake, there are moves afoot to transform the USA from nationalist to globalist.

If you think the EU works, look at Greece, a nation being destroyed. Examine England; they voted for Brexit and yet are leaving the EU.

Did you know the governing body of the European Union, the European Commission, and members of the United Nations are all appointed, not elected? The rulers of globalist organizations are not elected, they are appointed by the elite.

It is often said, "you can't see the forest for the trees," the trees being smaller parts of the larger whole. If you take almost any political idea, a tree, and examine it in the context of nationalism or globalism, the forests, you can readily identify which forest each tree supports.

Consider hot button political ideas. Whether you disavow or support an idea can help identify which forest you live in. Consider immigration, a border wall, mandatory vaccinations, immigrants receiving social benefits, outsourcing jobs, sanctuary cities, energy independence or countless other examples. I am not suggesting what is right or wrong for you. I am suggesting that by examining political ideas through the lens of nationalism or globalism, you will better identify issues that demonstrate what is best for the USA or for the world.

So, in what forest do you live?



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