Something for nothing
In ancient times there was a saying "Beware the Greeks bearing gifts!" That was the fateful and ignored warning as the famous Trojan horse was wheeled in and gifted to the city of Troy. Unbeknownst to the Trojan citizens, the wooden horse was packed with Greek warriors ready to ransack and plunder the city.
Every day now we see photos of smiling police officers, community leaders and firefighters accepting gifts from Penn-East/UGI pipeline. Have any of them researched why they are getting checks and where the free money is coming from? UGI and PennEast are bribing the sympathies of our communities with cash that will come from us and our children as we struggle to heat our homes with gas and propane into the next century.
All the while, PennEast and UGI have collaborated on a pipeline that will tear a ditch wide open across our state parks, residential lots and farmland. This pipeline will deliver Pennsylvania gas reserves to ports on our coast where it will be liquefied and sold overseas at a premium.
So, consider those generous PennEast/UGI checks and grants a modern Trojan horse pushed into our peaceful communities. All the money it holds will be torn from your and your children's pockets for the next 50 years.
Joe Seemiller