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2018 reorganization meeting: Rush Township Supervisors

Published January 05. 2018 01:18PM

Rush Township will continue to run under the same leadership this year.

Supervisor Shawn Gilbert was reappointed as board chairman, while Supervisor Robert Leibensperger was reappointed as board vice chairman.

Other appointments:

• Deborah DelFranco, full-time secretary-treasurer, $17 per hour.

• Kelly Giordano, part-time administrative assistant, $16 per hour.

• Christopher Riedlinger, solicitor, board of supervisors, $100 per hour.

• Peter Fagan, solicitor, planning commission, $110 per hour.

• Burke & Burke, solicitor, zoning hearing board, $85 per hour.

• Mauch Chunk Trust as depository.

• Arro Consulting, zoning and code enforcement officer and engineering firm, both on an as-needed basis, and engineer and/or consultant, planning commission.

• Set the compensation for each planning commission member at $20 per meeting.

• Agreed to pay the planning commission secretary $12 per hour.

• Set the compensation for each zoning hearing board member at $10 per hearing and for each township auditor at $10 per hour.

• Bill Brior, sewage code enforcement officer, $45 per hour.

• Samantha Brior, alternate sewage code enforcement officer.

• Bob Ritsick of the township planning commission to serve as the township representative for the regional planning board.

• Adopt resolution setting the fee schedule for the sewage enforcement officer.

• Reappointed the following road crew workers: Eiden Neifert, full-time equipment operator/CDL truck driver/road foreman/part-time sewer department, $21 per hour; Anthony Sfarra, full-time equipment operator/CDL truck driver/laborer, $19 per hour; Lonnie Ahner, full-time equipment operator/CDL truck driver/laborer, $17 per hour; Ronald Neifert, full-time equipment operator/CDL truck driver/laborer, $17 per hour; and set the seasonal winter truck driver rate at $15 per hour.

• Reappointed Michael Zimmerman as township sewer department employee, $22.50 per hour.

• Reappointed Joseph Lipsett as chief of police, $66,000 per year, and Bradley Hess, Robert Bechtel, Richard Sinton, Ryan Oldt, Frederick Lahovski, and Michael Weaver as part-time police officers at the rate of $20 per hour.

• Edward Tite, emergency management coordinator.

• David Clewell Sr., EMA assistant.

• Authorized the treasurer to pay payroll every week.

• Set the treasurer’s bond limits at $3 million.

• Agreed to have the board chairman and township secretary be authorized to sign and recap sheet and bond for the tax collector when due.

• Agreed to have the board of supervisors, or employees deemed necessary from the board of supervisors be authorized to attend the state convention in Hershey April 22-25, and authorizing mileage, room, hourly pay rate and $50 per day food allowance for the three days of attendance.

• Agreed to name the board of supervisors as the voting delegate and employee as the alternate voting delegate for the state convention in Hershey.

• Authorized the board of supervisors and an employee to attend the 2018 PAHRA Conferences, and include mileage, room, food allowance and pay at regular rate.

• Authorized elected officials to attend the Schuylkill County Convention and pay them as permitted by the second-class township code.

• Appointed Joseph Leonzi Jr. as an elector to serve as the chairman of the vacancy board.

• Set the township reimbursement rate for mileage at 0.56 cents per mile.

• Appointed David Clewell Sr. as a resident representative to the Eastern Schuylkill Recreation Commission for a one-year term, and Robert Leibensperger as a supervisor representative to the Eastern Schuylkill Recreation Commission for a one-year term.

• Appointed Robert Leibensperger as a representative, and Jeaninne Motroni as an alternate representative to attend the North Schuylkill Landfill Association meetings.

• Set the meeting dates and times for this year, with the supervisors meetings to be held at 7 p.m. the third Thursday of each month.

• Adopted a resolution setting the garbage and recycling collection and disposal fees.

• Adopted resolutions setting the sewer fees for Lake Hauto and Hometown.

• Adopted a resolution setting the UCC permit fees schedule.

• Adopted a resolution appointing TCC Voting Delegates as follows: Jeaninne Motroni, primary voting delegate; Robert Leibensperger, first alternate voting delegate; and Shawn Gilbert, second alternate voting delegate.

• Appointed Joseph Lipsett as the Alcohol/Drug — Free Workplace supervisor.

• Agreed to use the Times News as the newspaper of the township.

• Agreed to have TeamLogicIT as the computer and website consultant for the township.

• Appointed Shawn Gilbert as roadmaster and representative for the Council of Governments.

• Appointed Robert Leibensperger to represent the 504 plan.

• Adopted a resolution for signatures for bank accounts.

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