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2018 Reorganization meetings: Kidder Township welcomes supervisor Larry Polansky back to the board

Published January 03. 2018 12:25PM

Former township supervisor and chairman Larry Polansky will once again serve the Kidder Township residents as a supervisor. Polansky attended his first meeting as a supervisor Tuesday evening when the board met to reorganize for 2018.

Thomas Bradley Jr. will serve as chairman for the third straight year, and Thomas Lafond will serve as vice chairman for another year as well.

Lafond will also continue to serve as police chairman, voting delegate to the State Association of Township Supervisors and as township representative to the Dimmick Memorial Library.

Supervisor Bruce Berger will continue in the position of roadmaster.

Suzanne Brooks will continue in her position as township secretary and treasurer. Township Manager Lisa Klem will serve as assistant secretary and treasurer.

Resident John Toft was appointed to continue to serve as the chairman of the vacancy board.

The firm of Gillespie Miscavige was appointed a township solicitor with a yearly retainer of $6,000 and an hourly rate of $95. Gillespie Miscavage will also serve as counsel to the planning commission with a yearly retainer of $3,000 and an hourly rate of $95 per hour.

Robert Dobash will continue as building and code enforcement officer and zoning officer, but is no longer a full-time employee of the township. Dobash will also serve as township liaison to the Carbon County Council of Governments.

Cindy Norato was appointed as planning administrator and will serve as alternate zoning officer. Norato will also be asked to serve as alternate to the Carbon County Council of Governments.

William Brior was appointed sewer enforcement officer. Brior Environmental Services will serve as the alternate sewer enforcement officer.

Supervisor Barbara Franzosa was appointed to act as township liaison to the Planning Commission, the Zoning Hearing Board and the Environmental Advisory Council as well as alternate voting member to the State Association of Township Supervisors.

ARRO Engineering and Environmental Consultants will serve as township and planning commission engineers.

Three seats were open on the Planning Commission, Wilson Klotzman and Frank Pieri were appointed to two of the seats. One open seat remains on the commission

William Behret was appointed to the open seat on the Zoning Hearing Board.

There were four seats open on the Environmental Advisory Council. Frank Gilotti and Tyler Marino were reappointed to serve a new term. Thomas Kolesa was appointed to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Cathy Weber. One seat remains open.

Bradley and Supervisor Polansky will serve as the supervisor members of the Emergency Services Commission. There are two resident seats up for appointment. There are five candidates interested in the position. The supervisors agreed to table the appointments until they have had an opportunity to interview the five candidates.

Christine Lindsey will continue as secretary to the Zoning Hearing Board. Klem will serve as the township voting delegate for the Carbon County Tax Collection Committee. Brooks will serve as the alternative to the committee. Klem will also continue to serve as the Chief Administrative Officer for the Kidder Township Police and Non-Police Pension funds.

Mauch Chunk Trust was designated as the banking facility to be used as the depository of township funds.

Berkheimer Associates was designated for the collection of all applicable local taxes.

Monthly township board of supervisors meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month. On a motion from supervisor Berger, the meeting time was changed from 7 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for 2018.

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