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Address highlighted U.S. exceptionalism

Published February 10. 2020 01:29PM

It’s hard to imagine anyone having a better week than the president last week.

It started with the chaotic caucus results of his political Democratic rivals in Iowa.

The next day President Trump delivered a stirring, positive State of the Union speech.

That was followed by his acquittal by the Senate in the partisan House-led impeachment on Wednesday.

There was more headway on the economic, trade and foreign policy fronts.

Trump’s week ended with great job numbers and a new Gallup poll showing that a record high of 90 percent of Americans reporting satisfaction with their lives.

But Charles McGee, the oldest of the nine surviving Tuskegee Airmen from World War II, also had a stellar week. A veteran of Korea and Vietnam, he flew a total of 409 aerial fighter combat missions during 30 years of military service.

In just a 72-hour span last week, McGee:

• Presented the coin for the coin flip for Super Bowl LIV.

• Was given an honorary promotion from colonel to brigadier general and had stars pinned to his uniform by President Donald Trump in the Oval Office. Later that day he was a special guest of the president at the 2020 State of the Union Address.

• Was honored at NASA’s Headquarters in Washington honored by NASA for his accomplishments as part of its Black History Month celebrations.

During a question-answer period at the NASA ceremony, one Army veteran, a millennial, asked McGee for his secret to a long life.

McGee made a prayerlike gesture with his hands, generating immediate applause.

The day before he turned 100 last Dec. 7, McGee flew a private jet between Frederick, Maryland, and the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.

That trip came nearly eight decades after he earned his flying wings with the Tuskegee Airmen, the famous all-black flight school in Alabama.

Flying the legendary P-51 Mustang with a distinctive red tail, McGee and his comrades became legendary for their exceptional fighting skills while escorting bombers over Europe.

After the war, McGee helped pave the way for the military to desegregate.

McGee said in an earlier interview that despite all of his accomplishments, he’s not concerned with his personal legacy but desires to pass on to young people his wisdom that you can’t let your circumstances be an excuse for not achieving.

In honoring McGee, the Trump also recognized the centenarian’s 13-year-old great-grandson, Iain Lanphier, an eighth-grader from Arizona. He said Iain was first in his class, among the youngest at an aviation academy, and that he dreams of becoming an astronaut.

The president referred to Iain as “one of the Space Force’s youngest potential recruits.”

Another dramatic moment occurred near the end the State of the Union address when the president introduced the family of Sgt. 1st Class Townsend Williams. Wife Amy and her 2 children — 6-year-old Elliana and 3-year-old Rowan — believed he was in Afghanistan on his fourth deployment to the Middle East with the 82nd Airborne Division when Trump announced that Townsend was back from deployment.

When Williams walked into the chamber and embraced his wife, the chamber erupted into chants of “USA.”

It was a riveting moment that put an exclamation point on the speech about American exceptionalism.

The Polish poet Stanislaw Jerzy Lec (1909-66) stated that “youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.”

That phrase capsulized the president’s address. The youngsters in the gallery — from Gen. Charles McGee’s great-grandson to Williams’ young children, are the gifts of youth while Charles McGee, who overcame segregation and prejudice to become one of the most highly respected pilots ever, is that original American work of art.

By Jim Zbick |

A State of the Union Address with many misleading facts, claims and exaggerations.
Obvious pandering for the Black Vote for 2020.
The Donald has a long history (on record, verbal and behavior) making negative comments about Blacks, Mexicans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims, Women and people with Disabilities.> I believe the start, would be the year 1973.

"Blue Collar Boom" - "Restoring the Nations Manufacturing" Since Globalization and by the way the Republican Agenda= 60,000 Factory Loss and gain of 12,000 new Factories the bulk 8,000 employ 5 people or less.

I have sought to protect Medicare and Social Security and
( in 2015- will protect pre-existing Conditions). Because of his Tax Law, the Treasury Dept. will collect fewer Taxes from Americans for the above said.
*Also made a statement in Devos 2020 about making cuts as above said.
* Is currently suing to remove Pre-existing Conditions.

* On the Iran Strike - "I heard they had headaches" -Today the Number of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury is 100 +

America has so much to offer.
We'll either unite and keep her great, or we'll fold to the globalists of the Democrat Party, and allow them to rip her up like Pelosi ripped up the SOTU address.
I think the people are seeing the truth Jim.
God Bless America
Come November Mike...True Patriotic Americans will Unite and Vote against this Authoritarian Con Man who is destroying our Country.
Oh and the fact that Trump tore up the papers and gave Pardons to Sheriff Arpaio in Arizona and 3 members of the Armed Forces on War Crimes (against advise of Military Leaders) ....That is ok with you...
If the democrats are so evil, who are you uniting with?
It's unity in truth and common sense. It's unity in all that will help sustain our society. BTW, if we continue to push abortion, homosexuality, and drugs, our nations birthrate will fall below sustainable levels.
Can we agree on common sense, or have we also destroyed that in the progressive think tanks?
“Push homosexuality “. To utter such rubbish means you have no clue what being homosexual is, nor based on your past comments are you actually interested in understanding people not like you .
Christians couldn't place a cross on the front of the White House, but the Kenyan splashed it in rainbow colors to celebrate man laying with man? The Christian would be accused of pushing religion, and the separation clause would once again be misused. Sexual Perversion is pushed in government schools, on TV, and it's confusing our young people to where they have created make believe genders. What's any of this have to do with my tolerance or ability to embrace?
Actually, it's none of my business if you want to lay with another man, but you folks keep throwing your private matters in the face of others, and label it "Pride".
Give me a break Johnny, and just BGood.
After searching the internet for hours, I've not found a link between the word "Kenyan" and the word hate. Grow up Joe. You're acting like a school boy.
Show me one shred of factual evidence that Obama is a Kenyan and not an American. It’s hateful because you are trying to discredit a president on the basis he was African American. Trying to deny his legitimate claim of being president. When he showed his long form birth certificate, you racists still couldn’t accept a black man was president so you flipped the script and only considered his mother’s heritage. Sick
People are born gay, as are people born black or female. You can’t “push” what people are born into. As far as religion, nobody is born Christian, Muslim or witches. This is an idea pushed by some into others.

And there you go with racial and racist language again. Seems you fear those different from you.
All of us are born with a sinful nature, this was passed down from Adam.
“Sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people” (Romans 5:12).
There is no evidence to support your claim of being born with any certain sexual preference.
Seems you fear hearing anything to do with the truth of God. Convicted perhaps?
It's about choice. Choose to sin (miss the mark), or choose to deny the fleshly desires.
You can choose for yourself, just don't drag any of my loved ones along with you.
I say this in love.
Levite, sexual orientation as I attempted to explain, is not a matter of choice. Neither is gender, race, hair color nor weight (in some circumstances). Then you quote a book which has no demonstrable validity aside from those who actually “choose “ to believe it.

We are all born helpless and who we are. Along the way people fill you with religion, lies in my opinion, you completely show a complete disregard for anybody not like you
You failed to provide a stitch of proof. Along the way, people fill others with lies that eventually suck them in. I have regard for others, even people in the gay community.
You are the intolerable one here Johnny. Now B Good.
There is no evidence to support the claim of being born with any sexual preference? BS! There have been hundreds of studies that have concluded a biological origin of sexual preference. This study looks at many of them. One of the big ones is sexual preference is much more concordant in monozygotic (one egg that split) twins than in dizygotic (two eggs) ones.

Praise an authentic Christian > Retired Sister Mary Jo McDonald fighting the EPA in Butte Montana on the "Berkeley Pit". The locals are fighting to protect the Water Table. NO EPA ACTION FOR YEARS.
A Super Fund Site that holds 6.5 Trillion gallons of Toxic Sludge from a Copper Mine. Big Business made their money, now gone and the locals are left with the toxic remains.

McGee was only given the promotion because it was forced through legislation that was sponsored by two democrats.
Sure here’s the bill:

Note sponsor Van Hollen (D) and was joined by Cardin. Passed both senate and House by unanimous consent and put forward as an amendment. None of this was necessary though, trump could have done this before the legislature forced it by putting it on his desk.
You can always, I mean ALWAYS, depend on CG decrying our country as evil. It (IT) never fails, when Trump champions our great county, CG rails against him. CG obviously has a real Evil streak and hate for our great country but yet IT never emigrates out of our country to a much better place where CG's views are embraced.....................

Ignorance Hypocrisy & Stupidity are Forever around us.
Simply said: CG is Null & Void of any more comment

#Diversity SUXs, Build the Wall & Pipeline too
There, there a good girl, sit there pretty, be nice, stay in line, men don't like out spoken women with are not a real Country Girl....
Let me see from my Music Collection, Yes My Song is.. "If Today Was Your Last Day - Nickelback.

OK....defend Trumpaputin Manometer.....

Very funny. Point me to one comment that I made that was a lie.
My family did not fight in W.W. II, Korean, and Vietnam Wars to be taken over by a Putin Kiss A$$, Con Man with Bone Spurs that fore sure is in the White House for his own family's wealth & his wealthy friends at Mar Lago under the the guise of fighting for the simple man.
I never said Evil....but now that you mentioned it...

my idol is a woman........................Margaret Sanger
you are the kind she had in mind

and right behind her.......................Marcus Garvey
(as to it pertains to Obama)

Still waiting for you to defend the man you voted for that respects women.....

You got me right Manny on Margaret Sanger who fought for women's right to birth control.
And now today have to fight for control of their own bodies.
Sorry to the men that Do Not Understand that they can
F_ _ K with impunity.

Regarding African Americans. I have worked with Blacks and Never had any problems with them.
Dear Girl,
Sanger was a eugenicist. Here is a statement in one of her letters, you decide.
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” ~Letter from Margaret Sanger to Dr. C.J. Gamble, December 10th, 1939
Sanger didn't hide her linking birth control and eugenics either.
Dr. Josef Mengele was nicknamed The Angel Of Death, but the real Angel of Death was the feminist elite, founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger.
She once wrote, “keep the doors of immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as feeble minded, idiots, morons, Insane, syphilitic, epileptic, criminal, professional prostitutes, and others in this class barred by the immigration laws of 1924.” That's your hero? Confused-Girl!

There was a survey of 4,000 people over the course of four years by Gallup in 2007.
Conclusion? Republicans had "significantly" better mental health than Democrats, with Independents ranking in-between the two parties.
Another survey of over 8,000 people, conducted by science blog Slate Star Codex, has found followers of the left wing progressive liberals are more likely to have been diagnosed with a mental illness.
It's not too late to register Republican and vote Trump before you too loose your marbles.
MAGA 2020
Vote Trump 2020, heck, he's already in your head 24/7
Can anyone remember the lawyer for that porn star, Stormy? You know. the guy CNN, Joy Behar, and all the NBC journalists were so in love with. In fact, Brian Stelter and Joy Behar thought he could run for president in 2020. Yeah, that guy. He's going to jail, and poor ole Stormy is... well...
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