American dream in Lehighton?
We the people strive for the American dream, wishing at the end of our lives to be debt-free, home paid off, kids out of college fending for themselves, but along comes “OUR” school system with an open wallet, spending OUR money as if it was THEIRS.
So let’s just contemplate a moment about what has changed in the past 100 years.
Three high schools were built — ironically the cornerstone on the first one is 1916 — those buildings, still operational. Seven elementary schools erected, still operational.
The commerce side of the tracks, the railroad gone, coal industry gone, garment mills gone, local trucking companies gone, NJ Zinc company gone. Everything has changed except to quote “OUR” alma mater: “Dear Olde Carbon County.”
Retail has morphed in place of those Icons. Wages are not stable. However for $106-plus million, we can have a new football field and a new elementary center … on those wages?
No one cares if you might lose your home and are left with a tax burden you didn’t even generate. I’ve heard a comment made, if you can’t afford it, move. Every neighboring district is the same, mortgage and rent are the same.
Show of hands … guardians and board members, is your child prepared for the next level of education? Curiously, I asked a young professional, and this was the response:
“I believe that my high school gave me the tools to have a good foundation to be successful in college.”
I’m sure plenty other testaments to our education system exist. We do have a successful system without the football field or the elementary center. The residents of this school district think that their tax bill is like their utility bills, it’s just something that must be paid, not realizing nine of their neighbors or friends generated that expense ... for what reason? As I heard quoted: “A plan just to build a burden!”
This board created a financial black hole in this district. Our kids need an education. Their parents need a place to live.
So, I’m going to ask the new board to fix this.
Byron Schnell
Schnell, well said.
Yes, people will move! They will move right out of the state! I guess I will go back to that old devil, Property Tax! Paying school property taxes AND day to day living expenses can be most difficult on a fixed income. Often, it is a choice of paying taxes or buying meds and/or affording a doctor's visit. It is a choice of buying food or fuel.
Property Tax elimination is the only answer. What many don't realize about the proposed Property Tax Elimination Bill 76, is that EVERYONE will pay toward education and PA Pensions, not just homeowners. Even people just passing through the state, who buy a product within the state, will pay toward what only homeowners are paying now.
I am not against education or reasonable PA Pensions. I AM against the money for those entities unfairly coming from only one segment of PA's citizenry, namely home owners!!!
Do you, school board members, have empathy for those on a fixed income? How about those who own a home, paid in full, but may lose it to unpaid taxes? Taxes that can't be paid due to loss of or reduction of income? Will you walk in the shoes of those people? Can you possibly work for the betterment and support of those who love Lehighton ; those who want to stay but may be forced out?
A prime question real estate agents hear, is the dreaded: " What are the property taxes like in this community? "
Will you try to understand what your opponents are working to achieve. You board members CAN all become allies if you REALLY can come to understand what the young AND the old want for Lehighton.
Maybe I am naive to believe this; but history is full of mortal enemies aligning to become allies. Common ground was found.
I'll leave it at that thought.
The problem now - Franklin elementary because the FTAA is up in arms over christman field because the school will be sold. Too bad these geniuses never thought about that! Looks like they need a “special deal” on that issue. More to follow, but predictions are the school will be given away for next to nothing (like the other schools) another slap in the face of the taxpayers who paid for that school and never wanted it sold in the first place!
The SD revenue demands on the taxpayer and lack of transparency are directly responsible for the discourse in Lehighton and many SDs all across the state. Every taxpayer in this state has to adhere to a budget, they cannot spend more than they make or bankruptcy is the eventual inevitable outcome. Why should SDs be allowed to ignore the same economic metrics that those that pay the bills CANNOT. Ironically accounting, math, and how to balance a check books are taught in schools. Out of control property tax increases are devastating the taxpayer. They are discriminatory, borderline tyrannical, have created a two tier society of early retirees versus those that have to work at least PT until physically unable or death. Oppressive property taxes directly harm the children by reducing the standard of living of the homes they live in.
The cost drivers are not even openly discussed at SB meeting. There should be 100% transparency of taxpayer money. The SB should be challenged if not required to report how taxpayer money is spent. They should openly share what percentage of taxpayer money is going to fund pension costs, wage and benefit costs, charter school costs, special education costs, and all other funded and unfunded mandates. Why they do not do this as a matter of practice is mind numbing and insulting to the taxpayer.
SB76 has the power to end much of the discourse. It ties school funding increases to an inflation index which is a direct measurement of a person's ability to pay. This is what SBs all across PA need to come to terms with.
Schools have been funding themselves at 2.5 times the rate of inflation for the last 20+ years, yet they, like a deadbeat relative, seem to always be strapped for cash. What about the taxpayers? Maybe the education industry should show some fiscal concern for the communities and the CHILDREN they serve.
As the write indicates, he wants to fix this. Bravo for Mr. Schnell. The practices of many SBs will make this difficult, thus, let this be a rally call for all oppressed taxpayers to support this common sense approach.