Andreas Halloween Parade
The annual Andreas Halloween Parade is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Oct. 18.
Sponsored by the West Penn Lions/Lioness Club and the Andreas Sporting Club, the parade will begin forming at 6:15 p.m. at the sporting club. Rain date will be Oct. 19.
There will be two categories for individuals and groups — marching and floats. All participants are encouraged to preregister in order to be eligible for cash prizes. A representative from each entry will be expected to be at the sporting club when prizes are announced.
All judges’ decisions will be final. Refreshments will be served to parade participants. Becky Neumoyer, parade committee chairwoman, says “At the Andreas Halloween parade, spectators have the unique opportunity to view the parade twice as it circles around and returns to the beginning of the parade route. There will also be ample parking for spectators and participants. We welcome everyone in the are to come out for an evening of fun.”
For more information, or to register, call Becky at 570-386-3045.