Another superintendent gone
Dear Editor,
Another Palmerton School district superintendent goes out the door. This one we practically chased out of town. We, the taxpayer, will continue to deal with his legacy, the debt. As a senior citizen taxpayer, who continues to work, full time, I am fed up with it. I realize that the school board members don’t get paid, but it’s time for them to pay attention. Stop hiring superintendents who want to make a name for themselves or who want the job as a steppingstone to something better.
Palmerton school district is not a college. We do not have to compete for students. The students in the district have to go to Palmerton or else private school. We don’t need wasteful additions, fake turf and gourmet lunch menus. I’m sure all the students can get a passing grade for lunch. The students can choose those things on the next level.
This time, for once, just hire a game manager to “manage” a good system. Also I want the current school board to find out the student enrollment projections for the next 20 years. It’s not rocket science that you need that information. If you can’t get that done for the taxpayer, then find something else to do with your spare time.
I’ll continue to cry over your last mistake.
John Ferguson
Towamensing Township