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Anti-hazing program to be held Monday

Published February 13. 2020 01:31PM


Hazing incidents are in the news once again with a case in Lehighton recently.

Dennis Goodwin, a co-founder of the Anti Hazing Collaborative (, will be presenting a program, “Making of Heroes,” on Monday at the Franklin Township Fire Company.

“Making of Heroes” will be presented four times throughout the day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the fire company, 2440 Fairyland Road, Lehighton.

The awareness and training event will be attended by a representative of Safe2Say Something and Carbon County District Attorney Michael Greek, as well as by other county officials.

The program is free to everyone, with each program lasting about two hours. The schedule begins at 10 a.m. followed by additional presentations at noon, 2 and 4 p.m.

A short period of questions and answers will be provided in each session.

“Making of Heroes” is an educational and inspirational program focusing on methods and techniques to end bullying, hazing and abuse.

Local students, parents and community groups are invited to attend.


So glad to see this article. I hope many attend the presentation. We all need to be aware and help stop the hazing and bullying before another child is hurt. I'm looking forward to learning more.
Free. Awesome. A big thanks to all the other community members who helped fund this event.

This program is nationally acclaimed. The presenter is an expert on prevention. As a county wide program it is a great chance to piggyback awareness efforts from around the area.

Why didn't the Lehighton board or their administration send out notices? Add it to the school calendar? Robo Call? Or tell the PTO's? Youth groups and sports clubs?

This program should be held as an assembly at all the local school interested in protecting the students and saving the community.

Promises to be a great awareness and prevention program.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Proud contributor to the AHC event.
What good does this program do if its outreach doesn't transcend to the demographic it's intended for? This should be a mandatory assembly held at school, with all students, faculty & staff present.
This is just one action taken in good direction. We can't reach the desired destination without steps towards the goal.

Actions not intentions determine our destination.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
AntiHaze and antiBullying awareness and educational programs will be held at the Franklin Township Fire Company February 17 starting at 10 am. Please attend, bring you children and share the announcement. This is a FREE event.

Dennis Goodwin is a nationally acclaimed motivational speaker addressing prevention and methods to stop Hazing, Bullying and assaults on students.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Dear Community,

Good afternoon, we'd like to extend our sincere thanks to the Attorney General's office, the District Attorney's office, Carbon Monroe Pike MHDS, and New Perspectives' for their support of the AntiHazing, AntiBullying awareness and educational event. The program, 'Making of Heroes', presented by Dennis Goodwin, co-founder of, was well recieved by those that attended the event.

The motivating program exposed many to the statistics and the proper attitude and actions that aide in prevention. Awareness, training and increased accountability of the actions taking place in our government schools will improve as more teachers, coaches and parents experience the program.

The emotional presentation exposed the community to the tremendous harm each act of bullying or hazing can cause. This event was just one more step forward on the path of preventing these autrocities from occuring within a community.


Charmaine and David Bradley
Event coordinators

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