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Beaver Run Rod & Gun Club events planned

Published January 22. 2020 11:21AM

Beaver Run Rod & Gun Club will not have its chili contest this year on Super Bowl Sunday.

They will be having one, however, at a later date.

The 12g block shoot is at 7 p.m. Feb. 7. Sign ups are at 6 p.m.

There will be an adult toy bingo on Feb. 8, with more information to come. No children are allowed in the club that night once the bingo starts.

The kitchen has a breakfast buffet on the second Sunday of each month.

Membership renewal is currently underway, and members have until the first Sunday of March for the $13 renewal rate.

They may mail a check in if they wish, and should be sure to provide a self-addressed stamped envelope to return their card in.

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