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Board needs to be fiscally responsible

Published October 15. 2019 12:30PM

Dear Editor,

I am writing to you as a resident of the Pleasant Valley School District for more than 30 years, a retired Pleasant Valley teacher and a November candidate for the Pleasant Valley School Board Director. I feel the need to comment on the state of affairs that the current, outgoing superintendent of the Pleasant Valley schools spoke about in the published article on Oct. 5, 2019, in the Times News.

The leadership team that was built over the past two years has been increased even though student enrollment has declined. Many residents have attended board meetings to address such concerns. The newest approved position is yet another supervisory position, assistant to the superintendent of operations.

With no time frame or process of hiring a new superintendent, why the big rush in hiring an assistant for someone who may have a different vision for the Pleasant Valley School District?

With consideration of the upcoming new property assessment for 2020, residents are also questioning the need for this additional financial responsibility that comes with this position. Along with the current expense for needed safety measures and student academic resources, one must ask, what is the need for another supervisor to oversee current supervisors?

Referring to the article about the need to improve student performance, how will this hiring directly meet that goal?

Current elected directors of the school board need to represent the pulse of the community and be fiscally responsible before moving forward with the hiring of this position.

Teresa Greggo

Chestnuthill Township

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