Bowmanstown approves tax credit ordinance
Bowmanstown Council approved a tax credit ordinance for volunteers and addressed several other fire company matters at Tuesday night’s meeting.
Borough council, on the recommendation of fire Chief Mike Spairana, approved an ordinance to “establish a volunteer service credit program; enacting tax credits for volunteer members of volunteer fire companies and nonprofit emergency medical service agencies; and establishing administrative procedures and appeals as advertised.”
The fire company also requested that the borough relinquish a nearby dirt road so that the company can expand.
Spairana said the expansion of the fire company would allow firefighters to respond to incidents in a timelier manner.
Bowmanstown resident Antoinette Mullen addressed council at the meeting. She believes that a nearby area on Lincoln Avenue would take advantage of the installment of a streetlight.
“It would benefit the neighborhood as a whole,” Mullen said.
She said the lack of light in that location poses a threat to those in the community.
Mullen was recently the victim of theft and she said this crime and other potential crimes could be prevented.
Council members agreed to work with PPL to have the lights installed in that area.
Other business
• Council member Rob Moyer suggested that the borough pass a motion that would solve its tractor issue. For the past two years members have been looking into purchasing a new tractor for use in the community. Although council has not yet decided on what model to purchase, a motion that would allow them to spend the $5,000 already in their tractor fund was approved.
• An ordinance regarding the control off grass and noxious vegetation was reviewed.
“Something needs to be done,” Vice President Pam Leiby said.
Council discussed several solutions, including taking the matter into their own hands. Members have not yet reached a decision on how to better enforce this ordinance.
• UGI started working on a main replacement project involving natural gas that would result in the closing of selected areas on Mauch Chunk Road, Palmerton and White Street from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.
• DEP issued a notice of violation to Plastic World Recycling for an unpermitted discharge.
• The placement of several “brake retarder” signs was approved by council. However, the ordinance is still in its drafting stage.
• A field survey was to be conducted on July 5 for Lime Street between Hamilton and Ore streets to create base mapping.
• Council shared plans to host an electronic recycling event from 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 11 at the borough’s garage.