Bowmanstown council picks new leader
The Bowmanstown Borough Council held a reorganization meeting Monday night before its regular monthly meeting.
Councilman William Ravert was nominated as president, and the nomination was approved by the council. Ravert had been serving as mayor of Bowmanstown until November, when he stepped in to fill the seat of Burdell Steigerwalt, who had passed away unexpectedly in October.
Upon taking over as president of the borough council, Ravert said he did not intend to pursue reorganization of the remaining officer positions on council.
Kara Scott, who had been the president of the council, said she knew of the reorganization and was fine with it. She intends to continue to promote Bowmanstown through her position on the council and through her work with the Bowmanstown Area Residents Connected organization.
The organization consists of seven members and has been behind the creation of the Little Library, Helping Hands and is pursuing grant money to pay for a mural to be painted at the dog park, Scott said.
“Our purpose is to bring residents together to build a strong community and build up Bowmanstown,” she said.
They also plan to work with the Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor organization to promote and increase outdoor activities in Bowmanstown. The public is welcome to attend their next meeting at 7 p.m. June 12 at the municipal building.