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Campsite expansion brings concerns

Published October 03. 2019 02:50PM

Chestnuthill residents raised concerns over expansions at the privately owned Silver Valley Campsites on Silver Valley Circle in Saylorsburg at the supervisors meeting Tuesday night.

Susan Garcia, who lives by the campground, claimed it is putting in new water and electricity and asked how the plan will affect neighboring wells. She said that people at the campsite are also burning garbage.

The supervisors referred questions to zoning director Matthew Neeb.

The current expansion plan has not been brought before the township yet, Chairman Carl Gould II said.

Vice Chairman Chris Eckert said that the township doesn’t permit burning trash.

If the burning happens during business hours, residents should call Neeb, Eckert said. After hours they should report it to the fire department.

Neighbors also raised concerns about loud music coming from the campsites and recreational vehicle traffic along the roads.

Other neighbors Louis and Sandra Domenico put forward a proposal to resolve a subdivision discrepancy on their land that has to do with the campground.

After the meeting, Louis Domenico said that he has provided evidence to the township that the campground previously added 28 RV sites to property adjoining his property and claimed it was without township approval.

Domenico also claimed that 24 of the RV sites are within 150 feet of his property line, violating his setback rights and keeping him from being able to hunt.

“This setback violation infringes on my use of my land,” Domenico said after the meeting.

Because of a prior land swap plan involving the two properties that doesn’t match current property deeds, the Domenicos need the campground to cooperate before the township can approve their subdivision plan.

But Domenico said the campground owners won’t do that unless he stops contesting the original campground expansion.

After a long discussion involving multiple issues, Gould said the Domenicos need to work out this issue with the campsite owners.

“You guys as neighbors gotta learn to play nice,” he said.

The township can arrange to host this discussion between the property owners, Gould said.

This campsite, which I have camped, has been in business 40 years and is probably responsible for attracting new home owners and property buyers to the area after a stay. Maybe even from New York? Probably there longer than some of the complainers. Burning Garbage!!! Really!! Now all these issues. The Chairman said it best, "learn to play nice." 40 YEARS!!!
The campground has been in business since the very early 70's. The first two owners had no issues with neighbors. This is the 3rd owner. These 3 owners have all run the campground differently. So you camp there. Do you LIVE there? Yes, the folks from New York have moved in all around Monroe county. That's another story. Tell me what difference any of that makes for people who live near this place? Don't assume that all of a sudden, after all this time, people are complaining.
I would worry about light pollution if they are bringing in more electricity.
What's contained in this article is only the tip of the iceberg! not only have they violated property lines, the campgrounds in chestnuthill township only allowed to operate six months out of the year. They are not allowed to have year-round residents living in the back. All the electrical and plumbing in the 34 new sites is not even legal! The campground applied for permits to upgrade the existing electrical system and put in 34 new sites so they lied about what they were doing and they faked electrical contractor license. when the campground property was sold approximately 3 years ago there were supposed to be massive septic repairs taking place, and that never happened! So the septic systems are overwhelmed. They're pumping amount and draining the septic on the side of the Hill. none of the campers in the new section that is in this article that they're talking about have septic connections. The campground is connecting what they call Honey truck to these campers and pumping them out and then takes the honey truck to the backside of the campground and dumps it in the woods. Everyone should have to follow the laws and respect their neighbors, but these campground owners do whatever they want, and they lie to get away with whatever they think they can! they play stupid like they don't know what they're doing but they also own Hillcrest campground in bernville which they drove into the ground also! They also have their hands involved with family members in red run in Lancaster and Rosemount. I have never seen such a poorly-run establishment, there's white beaters living up there there's pedophiles living up there and criminals living up there. They live there all year round, and I've never seen cops in and out of a place as much as I have here. They don't know how to run a hospitality business, read some of the reviews online they can address an issue without being hostile and escalating a situation to the point that they have to call the police. and I highly doubt anybody is buying houses in this area because of this campground! They probably run away as far as I can after seeing this place!
Ok Drod must be a campground family member! I have lived near the campground for almost 30 years, so I know what is going on. First thing to address here is why the Township has known about the setback violations for over two years and has not filed a cease a desist order against the campground for the unpermitted expansion? This campground has become a serious nuisance in the neighborhood in the past couple years. They act like a rogue entity that the Township has no control over, or chooses to have no control over! How is it that there are permanent residences in a campground when ordinances forbid it? How is it that they expanded R.V. sites right up to adjoining property lines and no action is taken by the Township? And why does a Township hold up a current subdivision plan for a 29 year old land swap plan that the Monroe County courts ruled against in 1996? Neither property owner was involved in the 29 year old plan, but the Township makes it an issue now?
And why does the Chairman ask the neighbors contesting the illegal expansion to "play nice with the neighbors"? The campground was willing to sign off on the 29 year old plan until the property owner contested the illegal expansion and setback violation. Sounds like the Township should take it's advise and play nice with the law abiding property owners! Another scandalous, corrupt, power-hungry Township official that only cares about a paycheck, benefits, and retirement package instead of doing their job!
This is a sad situation. The environment is suffering. The smell of sewage wafts through the air. Driving past the once beautiful little ponds is heartbreaking. I cannot understand how you can do something illegal by constructing the campsites, and then go back to have them permitted after the fact. They have been rented out to campers illegally, with the owners generating income for themselves with the unpermitted campsites. There are many people living there who are paying rent to the owners. Nothing but lies and distorted facts from these people and yet, the neighbor is told to "play nice". That is offensive!!! There must have been some reason the prior owners never expanded the campground. The suggestion to "play nice" was inappropriate in this situation since the neighbors aren't the cause of the issues or problems or the illegal acts that have taken place.
The Township cannot use the excuse that they were not aware of this because the Monroe County Conservation District issued violations that were sent to the Township for over two years.
And at the Supervisors meeting the Chairman says it's up to the violated property owner to work this out??? What kind of absolute nonsense! I guess the old saying that you just do what you want and ask for permission later seems to have validity.
The worst part is that this will end up in the court system and taxpayers will foot the bill for the Township's legal expenses. They said that at the meeting.
If the Township would just enforce the ordinances, this could all be averted.
Time to stand up to elected officials that think they are running a dictatorship and pick and choose who they want to enforce ordinances upon and who they don't.
Ordinances are enforced for the law abiding residents. I am so frustrated with trying to do everything by the book and then turn around to see some being able to do what they want. The whole area around the campground is being affected because the environmental system has been disrupted. The township was there when the former owner was grading too close to the run off stream to tell him he couldnt distrurb anything within 4 feet of the stream. I don't know why this owner can just lie her way out of any situation. Maybe for the tax revenue the campground generates? I have been trying to figure it out. I wish I could speak to that property owner back on J. D. Lane. I have wanted to just talk to him and compare notes. I feel badly that he thought he was getting a nice piece of property back in the woods and this is what he ends up with. Sad. I have my own "sad" story.
So if your not allowed to move dirt near water why did the divert run off water in to the pond? Likely what's caused it to fill with weeds and grass. The run off water travels through grass fields on the neighbors property picking up septic, and all kinds of fertilizer and seeds.
Diversion of water (mud) into the pond is the cause of the pond becoming more shallow and filling up with sediment. Pretty soon there will be no pond. The question is how did they get away with diverting the water. Double standard for sure.
If you have any doubt if there are permanent residents in this campground, you need only to search the Meghan's Law website to find a registered sex offender with an address in the "permant" sites section of the campground. Yet the zoning officer says he can't prove they have permanent residents. Tell me what is going on in this Township? The campground ignores every ordinance and has no consequences?? Time for the State Representative to act! We demand it! We demand the Township be held accountable. It's an injustice to the rest of us.
Same old story. So why do law abiding residents even bother following rules if not everyone is held to the same standards?
Why don't Louis and Sandra Domenico just post their comments under their real name? Could it be because they could be liable for any false statements?

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