Carbon county Art League schedule
Carbon County Art League announced its upcoming meeting schedule. All meetings are held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Seventh Moon Wellness Spa in Lehighton (unless noted otherwise). Upcoming meetings are as follows:
April 10: To be announced
April 13-14: Annual art exhibition at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center
May 8: To be announced
June 12: The Restorative Art Room by teacher Sarah Gross
July 10: Collaborative Art Table Cover Project
Aug. 14: Annual summer picnic at Beltzville State Park
Sept. 11: To be announced
Oct. 9: Painting Workshop led by Wayne Yurchak
Nov. 13: Woodworking by Joan Lech
Dec. 11: Annual Holiday Mixer
The Carbon County Art League is a nonprofit organization that supports local artists of all ages and mediums. Goals include informing and educating the public about art and also to encourage the public to appreciate art and support artists through the purchase of their art. The league encourages students to participate in exhibitions and to broaden their horizons about artists.
For more information, visit