Carbon County commissioners
The Carbon County Commissioners on Thursday acted on the following items:
• Approved a work-base learning program agreement with Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21 for the 2019-20 school year allowing young adults with disabilities on-the-job training in the archives department.
• Approved the reappointment of Dr. Samuel J. Dolgopol of Lehighton to the Carbon-Monroe-Pike Mental Health/Development Services Advisory Board. The term is from April 1 through March 31, 2022.
• Approved a special activities agreement with Carbon County First Responders, state Sen. John T. Yudichak for Community Safety Day on May 4. The agreement is pending approval by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.
• Adopted a resolution recognizing John McArdle of Nesquehoning as the 2019 Shamrock Award recipient.
• Retirement: Mary Ann C. Marzen of Jim Thorpe, aging care manager supervisor II, Area Agency on Aging, effective March 22.
• Resignations: Stephen J. Gulla of Summit Hill, seasonal park ranger II, effective March 13; Jeralyn C. Vanchieri of Effort, county caseworker I, Children and Youth, effective March 22; and David F. Zucal of Summit Hill, seasonal park maintenance, effective March 7.
• District Attorney appointment: Eric M. Cinicola of Jim Thorpe, part-time victim/witness coordinator, effective March 25.