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Carbon environmental center hosts photo contest

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    Pilar Orr and Amanda Sterling check out some of the entries for the Carbon County Environmental Education Center’s photo contest, which runs throughout March. Scan this photo with the Prindeo app to see more of the entries. BRIAN W. MYSZKOWSKI/TIMES NEWS

Published March 16. 2018 09:47PM

Carbon County Environmental Education Center is hosting “Looking Through My Lens,” its sixth annual nature-based photo contest, throughout the month of March.

“We have 64 entries, and I believe 27 people have entered this year. This is our biggest year, so we’re hoping we keep getting bigger and bigger, better and better,” naturalist Jeannie Carl said.

Categories for the contest include macro, landscape, wildlife and people’s choice.

“They just get better and better every year. There’s a lot of talented photographers in the area. None of these folks are professionals, but you wouldn’t know that looking at their photos. They do a really nice job,” Carl said.

The contest is a way to get a good look at local landscapes, animals and other eccentricities throughout Carbon County and beyond. Incredible shots of owls swooping in for the kill, the churning waters of a stream rolling down a rock wall, and close-ups of vibrant, delicate flowers cover the walls at the center, providing an intimate perspective that almost rivals the real world.

“We like when the visitors come and they ask, ‘What’s that plant?’ or, ‘Where was that taken?’ or, ‘What kind of bird is that?’ Anything that is going to inspire people to know more about nature, that’s what we’re all about here,” Carl said.

Carl said that she hopes the beautiful imagery can stimulate visitors to get out and explore their own backyards, and perhaps enter their own work in the future.

“A lot of times people want to know where the picture was taken so they can go there and see if for themselves, and hopefully capture an image that’s just as good or better than what they see here. It’s all about inspiration, and making people realize that you don’t have to be a professional to take photos and enter our contests,” Carl said.

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