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Carbon Senior Games kick offs May 1

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    Don Weaver of the Panther Valley senior team prepares his putt during the miniature golf round of the 2017 Carbon County Senior Games. The 30th annual games kick off on Tuesday. TIMES NEWS FILE PHOTO

Published April 24. 2018 12:31PM

The 30th annual Carbon County Senior Games will kick off eight days of events on Tuesday.

Who will win this year?

Will it be North Carbon County, consisting of the senior centers of Panther Valley, Weatherly and Jim Thorpe or the two-time returning champs South Carbon County, made up of Palmerton and Lehighton seniors?

Only time will tell.

Here is the schedule for this year’s events. All events begin at 9:30 a.m. unless otherwise noted.

• May 1, Lehighton Recreation Center, 243 S. Eighth St.: Opening ceremony followed by shuffleboard, lunch, team pictures and cornhole toss. Participants are asked to bring one nonperishable food item to donate to the food bank.

• May 2, Lehighton Recreation Center: Basketball in the morning. Darts after lunch.

• May 3, various locations: Billiards. Jim Thorpe/Penn-Kidder Senior Center, Bear Creek Plaza, Route 903, Jim Thorpe, men 80-84, 9 a.m. and women 80-84, 10:30 a.m.; Lehighton Recreation Center, men 75-79, 9 a.m.; women 75-79, 11 a.m.; men 85 and up, noon; and women 85 and up, 12:30 p.m.; Nesquehoning VFW, 300 E. Center St., men 65-69, 9 a.m.; women 65-69, 10 a.m.; men 60-64, 11 a.m.; women 60-64, 11:30 a.m.; Panther Valley Senior Center, men 70-74, 9 a.m.; women 70-74, 10:30 a.m.

• May 4, Heisler’s Dairy Bar, Tamaqua: Miniature golf, 10 a.m. start for all age groups.

• May 7, various locations: Bowling and Ping-Pong. 8:30 a.m. at Fritz Lanes, Lehighton for seniors in age groups 60-64, 75-79, 80-84 and 85 and up; 8:30 a.m. at Cypress Lanes, Lehighton for seniors in age groups 65-69 and 70-74; Ping-Pong begins at noon at the Lehighton Recreation Center for all age groups.

• May 8, Baer Memorial Field, Lehighton: Philip Steigerwalt Memorial Walk, softball throw, horseshoes and boccie. Rain date is May 10.

• May 9, Lehighton Recreation Center: Bingo, pinochle and rummy in the morning. Dance competition after lunch.

• May 10, Dean Anthony’s, Jim Thorpe: 4 p.m. banquet to close the games and presentation of the winners.

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