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Coaldale to seek bids on vacant lot

Published August 15. 2018 02:00PM

Coaldale Borough Council said last night it will seek bids for a vacant lot it owns, but it isn’t completely sure it will sell it.

The lot exists at 223 E. Ridge St. where the borough had a building demolished via a grant it obtained.

The borough has been maintaining the property but it hopes to use it to obtain funds either by a sale or by renting parking spaces on it.

The council said it will advertise the lot for sale and specify a minimum bid of $5,000.

If the lot isn’t sold, spaces will be rented for parking such things as trailers and campers on it.

“We’re looking to generate revenue for our borough,” said council member Claire Remington.

She said, “The lot didn’t cost us a dime,” noting that it became available because of the demolition grant.

In other business

• The council changed next month’s meeting from Sept. 11 to Sept. 18. Some members of council said they weren’t available for the meeting on Sept. 11. Mayor Herb Whildin said a 9/11 program is planned at the Coaldale VFW Post and he was asked to be a speaker.

• Portnoff Law Associates of King of Prussia was hired to collect delinquent tax. Portnoff presently is the collector for late garbage collecting bills.

The hiring is dependent on the borough’s solicitor, attorney Robert Yurchak, reviewing a contract proposal submitted by Portnoff, and would begin next year.

Attorney Kevin H. Buraks, representing Portnoff, said his firm presently represents six entities in Schuylkill County, including the Panther Valley School District.

He said for his firm to represent the firm, there must be at least 50 delinquent real estate tax bills in the borough. Council members said they feel the number of properties in arrears on taxes is much higher that 50.

• The council agreed to pay $50 to Tamaqua Animal Rescue for the assistance the rescue team provides to the borough with handling stray animals.

• Tamaqua Transfer, the trash collecting firm for the borough, said the fall cleanup date is Oct. 20.

• Attorney Yurchak explained the new state fireworks law that exists. He said the law requires that fireworks can’t be set off within 150 feet of an occupied structure or the violator can be fined by the police.

• The Coaldale Fire Department was granted permission to hold a dedication program on Sept. 8 for its 75-foot aerial truck. A truck parade will be held in conjunction with the dedication.

• Council members said they will check further into someone operating a towing business and repair shop in the former Coaldale Ambulance Station. Council members said no permits have been issued for such use of the facility.

• Remington said a property in the borough was deemed infected with bedbugs. It was agreed that the property would be condemned until proof is provided that the property was exterminated.

• The council agreed to pay Robert Demanovich $650 to buff and clean the floor in the Coaldale Complex.

• Bricks will be sold at a cost of $50 to pay for continued maintenance at the Veterans Memorial. The council agreed to have Remington’s sister, Jean Huffman of Lansford, be in charge of the brick sale.

• Remington said a Hometown Heroes banner program will begin very soon in the borough. She said 27 utility poles were approved for the banners, while there were 74 banners sold.

• A movie in the park will be held on Friday by the Coaldale Police Department.

• Coaldale will hold a community yard sale on Oct. 6 and 7.

• Schuylkill Paving Company was hired to mill and prep Ruddle Street between Third and Fourth streets at a cost of $10,416.

• Remington said two storm inlets on Ruddle Street will be replaced by Radocha Inc.

• The council agreed to purchase a used, 2007 New Holland backhoe from Radocha at a cost of $32.000.

• It was agreed to rent a check reader from Jim Thorpe Neighborhood Bank at a cost of $40 per month.

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