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Council to interview candidates to fill vacant seat

Published February 29. 2020 07:02AM

Lehighton hopes to fill an open seat brought about by the resignation of a former councilman earlier this month.

Borough council will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. March 11 to interview and fill the vacancy that currently exists.

On a 5-0 vote at a special meeting last week, council accepted the resignation of Councilman William Rodweller.

Rodweller — who won a seat in the November election, yet never sat in on a council meeting — submitted his letter of resignation to borough Manager Nicole Beckett on Feb. 11.

Earlier this month, council denied the appointment of Rodweller to the borough’s parks and recreation board. Council had tabled his appointment to the board at an earlier meeting.

Rodweller could be heard arguing with Councilwoman Autumn Abelovsky before the start of the Jan. 6 reorganization meeting.

After the meeting, Abelovsky said words were exchanged after she presented Rodweller with a letter.

When asked for a copy of the letter following last month’s meeting, borough solicitor Jim Nanovic said that since the letter Abelovsky gave to Rodweller was not done during the public meeting, it was not public record.

Council is accepting letters of interest to fill Rodweller’s seat on council until March 6.

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