Country is in trouble
This country is in trouble. Really big trouble. We’re being torn apart by two parties that are dead set on re-election, instead of doing for the country. We’ve elected people who only think of themselves. We haven’t been in this much trouble since the Civil War.
We need people who work for the country, not the party. We need parties who work for the people, not themselves.
One party is afraid to stand up for what’s right, because they want power. One party is too busy tearing itself apart living in the past.
What law says an Independent can’t be our president? Where’s the law that states high offices can’t be held by the best people, instead of the party in charge? These parties have to grow up.
Now again, why is Panther Valley among the higher taxed ahead for schools that are always at the bottom? Why aren’t we getting our bang for the buck? Someone has to answer this.
Also, why are special kids not being challenged in some schools. Some of these teachers are just baby sitting. These kids can learn. Do your job and teach.
Last of all, Gov. Tom Wolf, wake up and raise the minimum wage.
I remain,
Robert (Ski) Siesputowski
Summit Hill
America never was a Democracy. Government has no business in... Businesses. Forget the minimum wage, we've got bigger fish to fry. Our system of education has been taken over by the progressive socialist nuts. That's a big problem for America.