Debate over Lehighton sidewalks continues
A Lehighton borough official remains steadfast in her belief that sidewalks throughout the borough are a safety issue and need to be addressed.
Councilwoman Autumn Abelovsky reiterated at last week’s borough council meeting that there are many sidewalks in the borough that need to be improved.
Abelovsky said the borough has an ordinance in place, but doesn’t enforce it.
In April, Abelovsky asked council to make revisions to the ordinance to have it state that an inspection of sidewalks would need to be completed for the sale of a home in the borough.
She said doing so would not only lend to the safety of the borough for pedestrians, but also add to the curb appeal of the homes.
As he has in the past, council President Grant Hunsicker told Abelovsky he wasn’t in favor of such an ordinance because a good portion of residents wouldn’t be able to afford the cost.
“You’re going to put the burden on the property owner,” Hunsicker said. “The borough has a lot of property that needs sidewalks.”
Hunsicker acknowledged that the borough has a lot of property that needs sidewalks.
Abelovsky then asked Hunsicker if he was OK with all the sidewalks going into disrepair.
Councilman Jared McEvoy agreed that many sidewalks are in need of repair.
It was agreed that borough manager Nicole Beckett would provide a specification/standard sheet for sidewalks at council’s meeting on Sept. 24.