Democratic Club to hold information meeting on candidates, petition signing party
The Palmerton Area Democratic Club will discuss “Who’s Running? An Informational Meeting on All the Democratic Primary Candidates,” and have a petition signing party at 7 p.m. Feb. 11 at The Tasting Room at This N That Finds U, 380 Delaware Ave., Palmerton across from the Palmerton Library.
This event is free and open to registered Democrats.
An optional social hour will precede the meeting at 6:30 p.m. There will be snacks along with beverages (wine, beers, hard cider, spirits, coffee, tea and hot chocolate) available for purchase. Bring your own mug for a discount on hot beverages. No need to RSVP.
For more information, visit the club’s Facebook Page, Palmerton Area Democratic Club, or contact club President Sarina Berlow at, or 610-597-0106.
Whatever... Let's all remember to register to vote.