Denny Wolff cares about 9th District
Dear Editor,
I have been following the race for Congress in the 9th District between Denny Wolff and Dan Meuser, and it’s clear to me that the candidate who actually cares about our communities, and his own, is Denny Wolff.
Wolff is a dairy farmer who served as Pennsylvania’s secretary of agriculture. This position alone is impressive, but what struck me even more so about Wolff’s integrity was that he started Camp Victory. Denny came up with the idea for this special needs camp after his youngest son was diagnosed with a rare liver disease. At this time, Camp Victory, located on a parcel of land he donate from his Millville farm has benefited 1,700 special needs campers, all attending free of charge.
In addition to giving back in his own community, one look at Wolff’s Facebook page lets you know he cares about learning what’s important in our communities. The 9th District is a large district that encompasses eight counties. Despite its size, Denny has been everywhere talking to its voters. I’ve lost count of how many times he’s been in Carbon County, but I can tell you this, his frequent visits here tell me that he is very interested in hearing from its residents so that he can address their concerns in Washington.
I want someone representing me in the Congress who cares about our communities and people like me. The only candidate who fits that bill is Denny Wolff.
Alfreda J. Lantzy
Just a heads up... Flee Denny... Run! The Democrats are on the wrong side of history, and certainly on the wrong side of God... Matthew 25:33 "He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left."
Jesus said, as recorded in Luke 12, as a warning, "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division."
That division, isn't the division Parties, but is appears to be playing out that way. How can a "Good Man" live among the goats and wolves? Maybe this Wolff wears a White Sheepskin... a Fabian perhaps? Look these things up folks.
Please cite some examples. It's the Democrats who push Sex, as I see it. They pander to the tribes of sexual perverts. Their King (Slick Willie) layed (pun intended) the groundwork. The tribes consist of, but are not limited to, Homo, Lesbo, Pedo (Bob Menendez), aborters, and swingers. Statistics would certainly indicate more wife beating goes on among those who insert the Democrat Card... Look That Up!
Another Democrat Sex Story...
Look up Californias SB 1322...
Beginning on Jan. 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right. SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution. Democrats Digger... Democrats!
If JFK or FDR would see this, they wouldn't recognize the Party.
Bail Out. Join the Patriots who love America. MAGA
Peace Dig... Peace
The folks on the left just don't seem to line up with my standards.
Peace Dig
You also have a warring spirit, and I ain't warring with you anymore.