Eldred Township holds photo contest
Eldred Township has announced a photo contest open to everyone for photos of all types taken within the township.
Photos will be accepted at the township office from through Sept. 14.
Photos may be of anything: landscapes, wildlife, gardens, buildings (especially historic buildings) and more, but should be typical of Eldred Township.
Photos must be taken in Eldred Township and may not include identifiable images of people. They must also be in color.
Photos may be submitted, either in digital form or as an 8-by-10 photo in a manila envelope, with no more than one photo per envelope.
Each photo must be identified with the name, address and phone number of the entrant; as well as the location of the photo described by address or other recognizable landmark.
There is no limit to the number of photos each entrant may submit, but no entrant will be awarded more than two prizes.
Judges will be appointed by the township. No judge or member of a judge’s immediate family will be eligible to win a cash prize.
Each entrant must sign an acknowledgment that he or she has received a copy of the contest rules and a consent to allow the township or its designees a nonexclusive right to publish the photo in any and all media and forms.
The entrant must also guarantee that the entry is their original work and does not violate anyone else’s property rights.
It is the intention of the township to allow the Eldred Township Historical Society to use the photos for calendars to be sold as a fundraiser. However, the township’s right to publish the photos is not limited to this purpose.
Prizes will include one grand prize of $100 and 10 prizes of $25 each.
Additional prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the judges.