Eldred Twp. approves 2018 budget with no increase
Eldred Township residents will not see a tax increase in 2018.
On Wednesday, the Eldred Township Supervisors approved next year’s general fund budget. The expected revenue for 2018 is $1,256,553 with expenditures of $1,141,690.
The largest expense for the coming year is the Gower Bridge repair. The cost of $271,000 is being covered by a Local Share Account grant.
The supervisors also passed a resolution prohibiting the location of a Category 4 Licensed mini casino within the township.
Under new state regulations casino licensees can operate smaller, satellite casinos. Municipalities can opt out of permitting the use within the township under the law.
Other business
The Eldred Township board of supervisors adopted speed limits for Church Road, Turkey Hill Road, Borger Road and Kuehner Drive. The speed limits vary between 25 to 40 mph and will be posted.
These roads were previously unposted and after numerous complaints from residents, the township tasked the township’s roadmaster, Keith Kuehner, to conduct traffic studies and determine the proper speed limits.
The new ordinance regarding the speed limits was advertised and a public hearing was held at the beginning of the supervisors’ meeting. There were no objections.
The supervisors also approved the purchase of a new bucket truck. The Ford F350 will be purchased from Ray Price Ford and altered by ALTEC into an AT200A. The total cost of the truck is $83,875.