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Eldred Twp. to replace signs near bridge

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    Greenzweig Bridge in Eldred Township will be getting some new reflective signs for the bridge and at both ends of the Greenzweig Road. PennDOT would also like to see guide rails installed on both ends of the bridge, but will get back to the township with guidelines. KRISTINE PORTER/TIMES NEWS

Published January 20. 2020 01:07PM

The Eldred Township supervisors discussed signs at the Greenzweig Bridge during their Wednesday evening meeting.

President Gary Hoffman asked Frank Fehlinger, the supervisor of the Public Works Department, to explain what exactly is wrong with the signs. Fehlinger said the signs aren’t reflective, and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation requires that it be reflective.

Fehlinger said that although the bridge is part of Greenzweig Road, which is a township road. But the bridge is more than 20 feet long. PennDOT is required to inspect bridges of that span.

PennDOT has been out to the bridge several times to conduct inspections and has made recommendations to the township, in addition to signage.

PennDOT would also like to see guide rails installed on both ends of the bridge. In the past, the work was categorized as a low priority, he said.

Fehlinger said he expects the project will require work to the abutments and approaches to the bridge and some minor repairs that the township can handle in house. He estimates that the work could cost about $30,000.

“PennDOT is doing another inspection in February,” he told the supervisors.

“They’ll give us a guideline of what needs to be done,” Hoffman asked. And Fehlinger said yes.

The one-lane, concrete bridge has a weight limit of 15 tons.

Fehlinger said there are about 15 signs on both ends of the road approaching the bridge, near the bridge and on the bridge. All need to be reflective and need to be replaced. He told the council that it will cost $986 to replace them. The cost is only for the signs. The township will use the current posts and replace only the signs.

In other business, the supervisors discussed seeking a USDA grant to help pay for a generator to run the municipal building in case the electricity goes out.

Township secretary Ann Velopolcek said she has been researching the USDA grant and could also apply for an LSA (Local Share Account) grant to help with the costs. The generator and related systems could cost about $69,000, she said.

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