Event benefits veterans, Panther Valley students
A recent outreach event in Lansford benefited more than a dozen veterans and 150 children from the Panther Valley area.
Valor Clinic held a stand down event at American Fire Co. No. 1 on Saturday. A long list of local organizations and businesses donated food and school supplies to be distributed in the community.
Stand downs were started to help reach out to homeless veterans, but they have become an outreach event for families and communities in need.
During the event, volunteers distributed bags of school supplies to 151 children. The bags included a bookbag, pencil case, crayons, markers glue, scissors, erasers, highlighters, folders, notebooks and rulers.
Workers from Ametek and St. Luke’s Miners Campus and St. Joseph’s Parish collected school supplies for the event, as well as Dr. Joanne Calabrese and Nancy Gardiner. Ametek also made donations to Valor for $250 and the St. Vincent de Paul Emergency Food Pantry for $150.
Volunteers collected more than 350 clothing items which were distributed to students.
In all, more than 300 people received a picnic meal thanks to St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Joseph’s Parish of the Panther Valley, McNealis Insurance Agency, and Chris Reiber.
St. Luke’s set up a table full of fresh corn, potatoes, peaches, peppers, cucumbers and zucchini for people to take free of charge. They also provided blood pressure screenings.
Carbon County Director of Veterans Affairs, Henry Desrosiers and CareerLink Representative Shannon Eidem were on hand to discuss local programs.
Other organizations that made the day a success were Carbon County Adult Probation, Carbon County Juvenile Probation, Panther Valley Public Library, Shepherd House food pantry, American Legion Post 123 and Redner’s.
The next stand down in Lansford will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 17 at American Fire Co. No. 1.
Volunteers will be holding a drive for coats, hats and gloves with details to be announced.
If organizations would like to be a collection point, please contact event organizer Christine LeClair at 570-413-3344.
Organizations are also welcome to set up a table at the event, and donations to support the meal are always welcomed.