Fall of a democracy
I have been deeply distressed by the sham impeachment trial being acted out in Washington and wanted to comment on it. I had started gathering my thoughts when a seemingly insignificant tweet made its way into the news. Donald Trump’s son tweeted that Mitt Romney was a member of the resistance and should be banned from the GOP for disagreeing with his father.
We have seen over and over that the Trump administration does not tolerate free thought. Anyone who does not march hand in glove with the leader is a member of some kind of resistance and must be attacked and destroyed. This may be how the Republican Party works now, but it is not how a democracy works. Fear and bullying have not yet become an amendment to the Constitution. We are not a one party government, and no citizen is required to agree with all that Trump or the Republican Party decrees.
Our democracy is in deep peril right now, but I don’t recall that we have abandoned it in favor of an autocracy. Did I go shopping one day and miss an important tweet? For the love of God and country, people, pay attention. Your rights and freedoms are on the verge of elimination. Do you value living in a democracy or do you just not care?
There is no honor left in Washington, but where is your honor? Why aren’t you outraged? When will you stand up and be counted? When Trump refused to act in the interest of the country, I expected the Congress would step in. They did not. I thought our government was stronger than a corrupt president. It is not. Now it is our turn to stand up individually and protest this desecration of our once-great country.
Will I be disappointed again or are we stronger than this corruption? And I have to believe that I am not just one woman but one woman among many men and women who care and desire the best for our country. Please, speak up and help protect us and our future. Your children and grandchildren will honor you.
Linda Maguire
Jim Thorpe
It’s time for other political parties to overthrow the monopoly of democrats and republicans.
Sociology 101 - "The Milgram Experiment"
Psychologist Stanley Milgram wanted to understand peoples behavior during W.W. II.
Why people will obey authority figures even if it is wrong, or harmful to others.
Let us not forget the Nuremberg Rallies.
The study reveals the Power of Social Pressure, and the Hold it has on people's decision making.
Let us not forget the Power of Autocrats.
Let us not forget.
Venezuelans fell for free health care and “cradle-to-grave” welfare spending, and look where it got them.
So tell me Joe, part of that package is “Medicare for All,” a “Green New Deal,” free college tuition and taxes on the wealthy. Tell me Joe, what's all that gonna cost? How is it that the rest of America is beginning to see that the Democrats of new don’t resemble the party of JFK, and ole Joe doesn't.
I'll tell you why. Joe is blinded by his hate for Trump. You my friend, are on the wrong side of history... again.
Free daycare? That's your argument? Cheap Joe.
In the US, we're all legally competent until a court decides otherwise.
You are one hard to understand liberal/libertarian/holy of holly democrat.
Btw, enough with the abortion rhetoric. My position on ending abortion is the same as Jesus’s position: it’s not important enough to waste any time on.
What I didn’t anticipate is how much they will defend him. I figured they would let him be to put some judges on the bench (handpicked for him) then go along with an impeachment to save their souls. They don’t seem to care about going to hell anymore though
Why are you concerned with other people's going to "he__"
How about you just concern with yourself, at least on this posting board?
That is one judgement that is of God. Please stop it.
As a gentleman, I have asked you refrain from your spiritual calls of judgement.
It isn't good.
You have said like about me too many times.
Please stop it.
I don't see this president leading up or down in spiritual manner, as much as I see him leading us in good economic, foreign, and even social policies.
God doesn't concern for countries as much as he does souls. The apostle Paul wrote this to the believers in Phillipi...
"Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling"
In other words, for you believers, figure out your own salvation, and do it with full reverence to God. Fear that you yourself don't fail.
What is moving many of our children on to the wrong path, is the crap the government education (Fed-Ed) is throwing at them. The kids coming out of High School, and going then, through the universities, have no idea which end is up. The confusion is drooling in to our system of man governing man. How about you forget about Jesus and His Church in your posting here, and just look at the immediate, the here and now under the sun.
BTW, what your Democrat Party embraces is way more destructive than any thing your made up, orange face bogey man is up to.
The number of highly experienced, long serving, loyal American patriots who tried to work with him (always saved face) proved useless most of the time. He was cruel, he belittled, berated and insulted most of them. More books will be published and reveal the inner workings of the White House.
The man is way beyond repair. The GOP is simply complicit allowing his Authoritarian despicable behavior to continue. Stay tuned for the News of his ongoing Revenge.....
How about sticking to facts instead of spreading gossip and smear that you hear from sister Joy on the Vue.
That tells me Democrats have no respect for our system of election.
Let me say it this way, for nearly 60 years Democrats have dishonored the will of the people.
Hillary Clinton said Not Accepting Election Results Was ‘Horrifying’ [VIDEO Below]
Please view the video of Hillary, and then think just of that one word... Impeachment.
I recently saw this...
"When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war."
You IMPEACH fanatics can't win an election even when cheating, so you resort to IMPEACHING yet... again.
You folks can't accept that you lost an election. You do not accept the election results.
Now stop it!
Let's just countdown to election time.
257 DAYS
Yes Joe, I'll stand corrected, though my words were "elected Republican president".
Ford was elected VP.
Stop it Joe.
There should have been.
We just endured Soros' Kenyan Kid for eight years of over reach.
The adults said, "we regain control of the United States Senate we can be far more effective than an effort to impeach the president, which has no chance of succeeding." (Blake Farenthold)
The Maverick added "an exercise in futility."
Your hatred has you making junk up again... Stop it!
Mike is wrong. Democrats have not tried to impeach every Republican president since the Eisenhower administration.
So Joe reminded him of one who was NOT.
Next the Flash claimed "Yes... I'll stand corrected, though my words were "elected Republican president". "
Can you not think for yourself?
Please do tell GreasyPalm, which GOP president was left alone by the lying thugs?