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Five receive Women’s History Month Awards

Published April 15. 2018 01:40PM

The Monroe County Women’s Commission this year honored women who fight all forms of discrimination against women. The theme was “Nevertheless, she persisted.”

Women from throughout the county whose dedication and service exemplified that phrase were nominated for consideration for the Women’s History Month awards.

The five women were honored at a recent Monroe County Commissioners’ meeting.

Annette Atkinson, of the women’s commission spoke a bit about each of the honorees.

• Jen Dunne was recognized for her dedication, efforts and years of devotion in helping abused women, children and men, victims of domestic violence, and sexual assault in the county.

• Dr. Kimberly Adams was recognized for her work as an educator, speaker and political activists for establishing women’s rights. Her work on behalf of women is recognized both nationally and internationally.

• Kate Rosset was recognized for her work for women’s health care and reproductive rights since 1975, as a Planned Parenthood volunteer and staff member at both the local and national level.

• Claudette Williams was recognized for having the distinction of achieving the rank of Command Sergeant Major in the U.S. Army, a rank reached by on 1 percent of military member. She dedicated 30 years of service to her country.

• Hope Christman was recognized for her work as a community sports coordinator and coach, in support of girls and young women. Her support for the girl she coached continued off the field as well, as an advisor and as a friend. Her work for the community continues in her position as director of the Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network Food Pantry.

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